Installing Arch.

Installing Arch Linux

1. Get Arch Linux.

2. Download Arch installation media. The primary forms are image files for CD or USB Key available on the Arch Linux website. Go to the Arch Linux website and select a version. If you are unsure which form to download, select the Core ISO appropriate to your processor architecture (e.g. i686 or x86)

3. Burn the image to CD using your preferred CD recording software or, in Windows XP, by right clicking on the .iso file and selecting “Copy Image to CD”. Alternately, if you downloaded the USB Key version, use the Bash command: dd if=path-to-iso of=/dev/sdX.[1] Alternatively you may use other software to image the USB drive.

4. Insert the prepared device into the computer you are installing Arch on and restart the computer. The computer should start up into a menu system similar to the one shown below.

5. Select “Boot Arch Live” and wait for the system to auto-detect your devices and start up. When it is finished, you will be running Arch Linux live from the installation media.

6. Log in as root by typing root at the login prompt. It does not require a password.

7. Run the installation script by entering /arch/setup. The menu based process is designed for ease of use, and will give useful feedback.

8. Use the arrow keys to highlight "Select Source" and press enter. If you chose the core installation media select “CD-ROM or OTHER SOURCE”. Select OK at the prompt. You will then be returned to the main menu.

9. Select "Set Clock". Choose the appropriate timezone and then select set time and date and choose the appropriate time format. Confirm that the time is correct and select return.

10. Select “Prepare Hard Drive” and select the appropriate options. If you are installing Arch on a clean system or do not intend to dual boot with another preexisting operating system, simply select “Auto Prepare.” If you would like to partition the drive manually select the appropriate option. Make sure to check documentation on partitioning and formatting Linux drives.

11. Enter “Select Packages” and look through the packages available, pressing space to select the highlighted package and enter to finish selection. The base system will always be installed; for a minimal system, select no packages. For a system with additional basic tools, select the base-devel package category, or go through the packages and select those you want individually.

12. Enter “Install Packages” and wait while the script installs your operating system. This may take a while.

0dh. Enter “Configure System” and go through the options. If you do not know which to select, choose the default option. When you reach the screen labelled “Configuration” with files listed, go through each if you wish to check or change the default contents of your config files. Make sure you set a root password that you will remember, you will need it to administer your system. Beginner users can leave the rest of the configuration files alone.

14. Select “Install Bootloader” and choose your bootloader. If you are unsure which to select, choose GRUB. At this point, you will be prompted to examine your bootloader configuration file. If you are not dual booting, you will not need to make changes. If you have a Windows operating system installed, ensure the Windows entry in the file is not commented out by removing the "#" signs in front of each line. If you want Windows to be the default, make sure you change the default line. When prompted to select the boot device to install the bootloader, select the entry without a number at the end, such as /dev/sda.

15. Exit the installer and type “reboot” to restart your system. Wait for your computer to boot into your new Arch Linux operating system. Login as root with the password you entered and enjoy your new system.


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