
Picture of Squeezebox multimedia server.
Screenshot from 2013-11-23 02:36:40.png

Screenshot from 2013-11-23 02:43:41.pngScreenshot from 2013-11-23 03:16:37.png

 If you do not need a fancy media server then the logitech media server aka squeezebox is a good choice.You can get fancy equipment from logitech, but they are nice enough to allow you to use their software lon a server. The software I think is available for the traditional platforms. We will be using linux and an old Pentium two computer.

You need two pieces of software depending on what your system has. Our pentium II is a minimal command line headless box.Do not let the command line scare you. Once we do the install everything will be done from a web browser.

Get the squeezebox software for the 32 bit intel based computer.  (http://www.mysqueezebox.com/download)

Install the software.

$ sudo dpkg -i logitechmediaserver_7.7.3_all.deb

Needed some sound libraries if you do not use your computer for multimedia.

$ wget http://www.deb-multimedia.org/pool/non-free/w/w32codecs/w32codecs_20110131-dmo2_i386.deb

Install the package.

$ sudo dpkg -i w32codecs_20110131-dmo2_i386.deb

Make a directory to hold your media,

$ sudo mikdir -P /var/media/

Copy your media files to that folder. (It is ok to use sub-folders.)

Now to the web.

Point your browser to squeezeboxhostname using a port of 9000.

In my case:


You will need to setup a username and password if you do not already have one.  There is a link to the site to do that.

Log in:

Then you can set things up to look at the directory you setup to hold your media.  Then just modify the settings to what you prefer.
Save them.

Add the media to the play list. It is all point and click.

So that takes care of the server side.

Now you need to go to your media player, In my case it was an Insignia infocast with third party firmware. You will go to where the squeeze box application is. Enter in the address of your server.

In my case it is:


Spelling is critical here.


Now just tell your squeezebox client to play. Voila you have media. In my case it was music files.being played.


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