We love web servers and touchpads...

Web servers are awesome as you can do so much from home automation to what ever your imagination can dream up. If you have an extra computer this is a great way to put it to use instead of sending it to a landfill! One way we use our web server is with a Chumby.
We like to use our Chumby (touchpad) in connection with our home server. The Chumby is not exactly portable. I love our Infocast Insignia (aka Chumby) 8″. Using it I made sort of an ipad clone and it runs Linux!! I control all the home automation from it and it is great for accessing our intranet based web server from the kitchen to access recipes and many other applications). Becoming addicted to php and mysql as well as html. May get a second one for a low powered server like I used to do with the Cisco Linksys Nslu2. Can not wait to see how well it works with mythwebtv. Need to build a new server first. 64bit here we come. Yep, we are bit behind using only 32 bit single core cpu based computers.

Picture of a remote system accessing the web server. In fact the led's in the second picture were turned on by accessing the web page.

Note: The arrow is pointing to some led's that are connected to the parallel port of the web server. The led's could easily be replaced with electrical switching devices to do home control remotely via the web page. You can also control Insteon, X-10, or other commercial products in the same way.

Having a little fun with the led's (Kitt lives!!) Probably use this set up to control holiday lights. Use the same set up for robot control also.


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