No computer or it's software is perfect. The way you are informed of issues can vary from one system to another. Microsoft's way to display problems has become part of folklore. It has become know as the infamous BSOD.
The blue screen of death aka bsod has changed yet again, but this time you do not seem to get a clue to what is going on. As much as I never liked to see the screen of death, I did appreciate the detail of information presented to use to diagnose issues with your computer. In the latest iteration, that seems to be missing. WHY???
Which bsod screen would you prefer to have?

The Win 8 BSOD:

Now if you look at the older bsod screen shots, you see that you at least get some kind of error code to deal with:

And the BSOD message was immortalized in this photo:
The blue screen of death aka bsod has changed yet again, but this time you do not seem to get a clue to what is going on. As much as I never liked to see the screen of death, I did appreciate the detail of information presented to use to diagnose issues with your computer. In the latest iteration, that seems to be missing. WHY???
Which bsod screen would you prefer to have?
The Win 8 BSOD:
Now if you look at the older bsod screen shots, you see that you at least get some kind of error code to deal with:
And the BSOD message was immortalized in this photo:
Can't tell you how many times the BSOD has helped me narrow down an issue. Keep in mind this is just a Dev. release hopefully (cross your fingers)they will change it in a later rendition. If not then a big F U to Microsoft. Also why can't the third blue screen ever walk through the door????