Can a Tablet be used for everyday work? - Jacqui Cheng at ars technica does it.

Can you replace your everyday computer with a tablet and be as productive? Jacqui Cheng, Senior Apple Editor at thinks so....Masochist me? An Ars writer's iPad-only workday

We are living in interesting times in the tech world! Soon we will carry our computing device in our pocket, but connect it to a wireless keyboard and wireless monitor on our desk. A top of the line smartphone has a dual core ARM processor. Soon it will have quad core ARM processor. That is more than enough power to run a desktop full of apps. What does the average person use a computer to do: web browsing, word processing, email, maybe a spreadsheet, and a few other odds and ends. That does not require a supercomputer. It does, typically, require more than a 4" touch screen. As soon as our mobile devices can seamlessly use our desktop screens and keyboards, the PC as we know it is toast. That is why Microsoft Windows 8 will be so drastically different from Windows 7. But, that is another blog post....


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