Flash: the end may not quite be near - but the big lady is preparing to sing

Tom's hardware has an interesting tidbit regarding Microsoft's position regarding browser plug-ins and flash:  Microsoft Envisions a World Without Flash, Plugins. Apple has refused to support flash on the iPhone / iPad.  Largely, this has been no problem since HTML5 has become standard fare on most web sites.  When I first got my iPad last summer, many websites would not play a video embedded on the iPad properly or at all.  That quickly changed.  Now it is the odd-man-out web site that shows any video/flash issues on iOS Safari.  It is looking more and more like Steve Jobs made the right call regarding Flash.

Android supports flash, but the implementation is poor.  It typically slow and also slows down the entire web page.

Let's not go into the security issues that flash generates on Windows computers.  I hate having things run in my icon tray, but I leave the Adobe updating running because I want Adobe Reader and Flash updates as soon as they are available.  The updates are almost always security updates.  Flash is another reason to run Google Chrome as your web browser.  It runs flash in a sandbox for security reasons.

With Apple boycotting it and Microsoft  moving away from Flash, soon it will be just that... a Flash in the pan.


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