Did someone get a clue?

There are two basic types of computer set ups. First is a workstation (touch pad, laptop, or desktop) that you or I might use. Then there is the server that does just that. it serves out software (programs) and data (aka your files). Generally there is no sitting at the server using it as you would your workstation. They should be pretty much standalone units.

Whether you use a workstation or a server, you still have be able to manage those systems. Traditionally in the Microsoft World the servers were gui (graphical user interface) or mouse oriented. Sounds easy that you can manage even hundreds of machines with a click. Unfortunately, that was time consuming and got old quick. I know as I did that for a living for many many years. There had to be a better way.

Also when we consider a gui, that takes more instructions for the computer to have to deal with and therefore more memory or ram (random access memory). So for a server to deal with these extra instructions will not only slow it down, but have less room for other programs or applications. That is especially true that now you have what is known as virtual machines. or to put it simply that one system can pretend to be several systems at once. Less gui means you can run more virtual machines.

Traditionally, Microsoft systems after MSWindows 98 had a hard time being able to go between the gui and non-gui or command line interface (like using DOS, CPM/MPM, or even the eight bit computers such as the Apple ][, Commodore 64, and TRS-80 from yesteryear). The server management team at Microsoft finally admit that with MSWindows server version 8. Prior to MS8 (MSWindows server 8), it was virtually impossible to have a server that could do both gui and command line or go between the two without having major issues for the average person.

Ironically, Linux, BSD, and a host of other operating systems have no problems having either workstations or servers being managed from the gui or the command line. In fact, you can use a sort of indirect gui via the use of web pages (Webadmin. webmin, and a host of others) from any workstation. Now finally with MS8, the head of the operating systems at Microsoft has said we will rectify that. Even in his own words, he said that the gui (mouse driven) interface has so much memory requirements that the server will not be able to be used more readily from a command line. What that is telling me is that indirectly, he thinks without saying it that maybe the gui interface is a bit bloated. That is, it takes up too much memory. He got a clue!

Now the interesting part is whether Microsoft will take that to heart and try to improve how hardware efficient the gui interface is. One thing that I have learned is that the minimum hardware requirements for you to use your machine with Microsoft software are allegedly always understated. To use the latest version with MSWindows 8 for all practical purposes you need more than 2 gigabytes of memory and the latest computers (multicore 64 bit cpus). In other words, get out the check book again if you want MSWindows 8.

Hopefully, the part of Microsoft that develops the desktop operating systems will get the hint from it's own peers that maybe workstation software could be more efficient. The reason, why I say that is that I can take a legacy Pentium II based computer with a quarter of the memory requirements of the latest Microsoft systems and be as usable in a gui or windowed environment with BSD, Linux, and the like for the average user. One of the big buzz initials is ROI (return on investment) or did you get your moneys worth out of what you paid for? It's your check book, did you or your company get your money's worth?

A 1.2 gigahertz computer with only 512 megs of ram.


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