MSOffice vs Libreoffice


This page compares the features of LibreOffice 5.0.0 (download) and Microsoft Office 2013. It separates major and minor feature differences and also includes notes on LibreOffice extensions. The comparison highlights differences and therefore does not display any features which are present in both office suites.
Im-jabber.svg The feature comparison table is continuously being updated and is work in progress
It is a compilation by users and not an official document by the Document Foundation.
Please feel free to improve this page. Last update to this table was made at 23.08.2015

General office suite: LibreOffice vs. Microsoft Office

Major Feature Differences LibreOffice 5.0 MS Office 2013
Cross-platform availability (desktop) Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, FreeBSD and NetBSD. (based on the same code base). Windows and Mac OS X (based on different code bases resulting in some format compatibility problems, somewhat different feature sets and differences in the user interface. Mac OS X version is "Office 2016" without database application MS Access. Mac OS X version 2016 includes some new features, but lacks some other features.)
Supported versions of MS Windows Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1, 10 (Server 2008 R2, Server 2012 also reported to work (tdf#71690)) Windows 7, 8, 8.1, Server 2008 R2, Server 2012, Windows RT (few features missing, no MS Access and not Metro-compliant)
Available as native 64-bit application on OS Linux, Mac OS X, Windows (> XP). Windows
Portable version that runs on USB flash disks (without installation) yes no (discontinued MS Office Starter 2010 edition runs on USB flash disks)
Open Source yes, licensed under MPLv2 and others. no, proprietary and closed-source
Full integration of all office components Supported. From within each office component, files of all other components can be opened and newly created. Central StartCenter with access to office modules, recently used files and templates. not supported
Availability free of charge yes no, proprietary software plus additional charges for language packs. 30-day trial version available.
Eco-system of extensions complex ecosystem of valuable extensions (over 260 on and over 750 on for LibreOffice (including automatic updates). partly, no centralized extension system for add-ins and macros. Office Apps store for Office 2013. Office Apps not supported on Mac OS X.
Localization 111 languages (detailed list of languages supported by LibreOffice) 96 languages (52 main languages for purchase, 44 more languages (in total 60) from Language Interface Packs (LIPs) for free download)
Support of Right-to-left Wikipedia logo v3.svg (RTL) languages (e.g. Arabic) supported supported on Windows, mobile and online versions. Not supported on Mac OS X.
Changing language of the user interface on the fly supported supported, but requires additional purchase of language packs / download of local LIPs
Additional writing aids extended support (spell-check dictionaries, hyphenation patterns, thesaurus and grammar check, specialized dictionaries as extensions (1, 2, 3)). Detailed list of LibreOffice writing aids for over 150 languages. limited, requires additional purchase of language packs
Support of complex languages and special font features (ligatures, true small caps, old style numbers, proportional or mono-spaced numbers, capital spacing, true superscript/subscript) comprehensive support of SIL Graphite font technology (not available of Mac OS X). Support of OpenType optional features limited to localized forms (locl) (tdf#58941). limited via OpenType supporting ligatures, stylistic sets, number spacing options, number forms, contextual alternates.
Easy access to vector clip art yes via LO Gallery (clipart extensions (1 or 2)). Extension for the integration of cliparts from selection more limited
Macro scripting languages multiple languages, support for wide variety of languages (LibreOffice Basic, JavaScript, BeanShell and Python). single language, support for Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). Indirectly also Visual Basic or Visual C# by using automation.
CMIS protocol support to access Document Management Systems support for Alfresco, Google GDrive, Nuxeo, MS SharePoint, MS OneDrive, IBM FileNet Lotus Live Files, Lotus Quickr Domino, OpenDataSpace and OpenText ELS. inbuilt support only for MS SharePoint and MS OneDrive
Support of ISO standardized OpenDocument (ODF) Wikipedia logo v3.svg format advanced support, ODF v. 1.2 extended limited (Windows), ODF v. 1.2. No ODF support neither on Mac OS X, nor in online and mobile versions.
PDF export extended options multiple options (Additional options: Time-Stamp Protocol (IETF standard RFC 3161), detailed image settings, HybridPDF, watermarks, transition effects, Tagged PDF, extended security and permission options, PDF forms, initial view settings, extended handling of URLs, digital signatures) High or low quality PDF, page and markup to print in Access, Word, Excel and PowerPoint 1; pictures resolution and non-printing informations in Publisher.
Creation of HybridPDFs (ODF file embedded in PDF for full editing) supported not supported
Import of graphics formats: SVG vector graphics (.svg, .svgz), Adobe Photoshop (.psd) supported not supported
Import from vector graphics / DTP software: CorelDraw (v1-X7), Corel Presentation Exchange, Adobe/Macromedia Freehand (v3-11), Adobe PageMaker supported not supported
Import of MS Visio files supported (Visio 2000-2013) not supported (only via MS Visio which is not part of MS Office)
Import of video and audio formats FLAC Audio flac, Flash Video (flv), Matroska Media (mkv), OGG Audio, Ogg Video, Quicktime Video, WebM Video, Real Audio (.ra), Real Media (.rm), Digital Video (.dv), Audio Codec (.ac3), and Ogg Opus (.opus) supported not supported
Drawing program LibreOffice Draw no
PIM and Email program not part of LibreOffice, referring to alternatives such as Mozilla Thunderbird. See the comparison on this wiki: Mozilla Thunderbird vs. Microsoft Outlook. Mail Merge Wizard sends out emails directly from LibreOffice without email software. LibreOffice-wide access to address books via Base. MS Outlook
Integrated Development Environment (IDE) feature set The BASIC Integrated Development Environment (IDE) does not have: 1. Refactoring facilities (Renaming affects dependencies/Extract Method/Extract interface etc.) (tdf#92251); 2. Intellisense (or any other code completion functionality) such as auto-code-completion and showing the properties and methods of an object (tdf#66185); 3. Error checking (the IDE actually knows its symbols). supported with Visual Basic for Applications and/or additional purchase of Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio (Windows-only). Mac OS X version only supports a simplified Visual Basic Editor.
Import & Export of Microsoft OOXML files Good support of real life OOXML files (e.g. .xlsx, .docx, .pptx) and standardized (transitional) OOXML files, as well as import of OOXML-strict files. Advanced support of transitional (default) and strict OOXML files.
PDF Import partial, into Draw and Writer with the limitation that text is imported line-based (tdf#32249). supported, into MS Word
User Interface approach Classic UI; Sidebar (default in Impress and Writer; in Calc not enabled by default). Customization possible: several icon themes, Firefox themes. Ribbon UI; Classic UI available as third-party paid extension
User interface improved to enable use on touch screen devices on desktop operating systems no Slightly adjusted user interface for touch screen devices, but no redesign
Versions of office suite for mobile operating systems Ports for Android and iOS in development: LibreOffice Viewer for Android is available. The viewer also contains basic and experimental editing features, more information: Android LibreOffice editor, wiki page for Android port development and 1, 2, 3,4. Mobile versions for smartphones and tablets with Android and iOS with restricted features set, for WindowsPhone 8 smartphones with heavily restricted feature set. Professional users as well as users on tablets >10.1 inch are required to have an eligible Office 365 subscription at a monthly fee. Private users are allowed to view and print documents without registration private users, basic editing functionality requires registration. More comprehensive features require an eligible Office 365 subscription at a monthly fee.
Online/cloud version of office suite no, in development: see LibreOffice - the cloud edition, LibreOffice Online port development and Using LibreOffice in a Web Browser. Office web apps, with reduced functionality. (1)
Synchronous collaborative editing no, in development. See: Collaborative Editing and Track changes. supported
Minor Feature Differences LibreOffice 5.0 MS Office 2013
Import of graphics formats DXF, MET, PBM, PCD, PCX, PGM, PPM, PPM, RAS, SGF, SVM, TGA, XBM, XPM supported not supported
Import of Mac OS legacy vector and bitmap graphics formats: BeagleWorks, ClarisWorks, GreatWorks, MacPaint, MacWorks, SuperPaint, MacDraw, MacDraw II, RagTime for Mac 2-3, ClarisDraw, MacDraft supported not supported
Import of additional video and audio formats: CD Audio, Vivo Video. supported not supported
Document converter wizard supported not supported
Euro currency converter wizard supported not supported
Expert config to access a multitude of settings from UI supported not supported
Support for color palette formats: Gimp (.gpl), Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase), LibreOffice/Apache OpenOffice (.soc) supported (note: tdf#92354) not supported
Enhanced list of recent files and folders partial (tdf#61174, tdf#60743). Option to clear list of recent documents. Selectively delete Recent Documents (in StartCenter) supported (option to set recent files as permanent)
Digital signatures / Signature Line Single signature. Round-trip with MS Office problematic (tdf#58442, tdf#58476). supported
Custom colours in formula editor Set of 16 colours (tdf#40436) supported
Shortcut keys for accented Latin characters not supported (tdf#71176), workaround using Unicode conversion implemented in upcoming LO Writer 5.1 (tdf#73691) limited support
Streaming of office applications/office on demand not supported (possible via third party services) supported (1)
Ink annotations (e.g. on a windows tablet computer) not supported, (only support for import of existing ink annotations from MS Word file format) supported
Live preview while formatting not supported (tdf#37048) supported
Inserting audio / video from online sources not supported (tdf#42246) (Work-around: Download of online video and embed it in presentation (incl. Flash videos)) supported in Windows version (1). Not supported on Mac OS X.
Import of graphics formats: MEZ, WMZ, PCZ, CGM not supported supported
Export to XPS format Wikipedia logo v3.svg not supported supported
Third-party software dependencies Java runtime environment (JRE) installation required for certain - but not most - features of the software. Java is notably required for Base. (tdf#34809, tdf#37089, tdf#80509) not required

Word processors: LibreOffice Writer vs. Microsoft Word

Major Feature Differences LO Writer 5.0 MS Word 2013
Working with large documents stable layout layout problemsa
Handling of captions for graphics or image boxes stable layout layout problems
Styles (page styles, frame styles, list styles) supported not supported
Overlining of text supported no, but complicated workaround
Master documents for longer texts Master documents and Master document templates supported supported but deprecated because it causes file corruption
Business card wizard a supported not supported
Text auto completion of words already used before supported not supported
XForms documents creation supported not supported
Mathematical calculations in tables complex calculations only basic arithmetic
DirectCursor (allows to enter text anywhere on a page) supported supported, under the name Click and type (advanced option)
DocBook import & export supported not supported
Export to MediaWiki (Wikipedia) format supported not supported
Export to XHTML supported not supported
Import of Apple Pages documents support for Pages v1-4 not supported
Extended label creation features a supported (generic database access, synchronise content) partial
Frames DTP-like features like text in multiple columns and text-wrap around graphics concept of "horizontal frames" is more limited
PDF export of comments export of comments according to PDF specification (via "File" > "Export as PDF"). PDF export of comments: inside the margin, at end of page, at end of document (activation complicated, only via: "Tools" > "Options" > "LibreOffice Writer" > "Print" (tdf#77650)) export only as comments inside margin
Grammar check out of the box only 4 languages (English, Russian, Hungarian and Brazilian Portuguese)
extensions: e.g. Languagetool for 31 languages plus 9 language variants (level of language support varies), Grammalecte for French, CoGroo for Brazilian Portuguese
out of the box (21 languages (plus 1 language variant) supported with additional costs). Grammar check on Mac OS X version limited to few languages.
Picture styles & additional effects not supported (tdf#59906), but effects are preserved on import and export. supported
Style sets (for paragraph styles) Different. Templates provide this functionality, but more difficult to handle. Helpful extension: Template Changer. (tdf#45176) supported
Table styles Different (tdf#34391), has been a GSOC 2013 project (1). Table > AutoFormat provides part of this functionality. supported
View changes in the right margin in "track changes" mode not supported (tdf#34355) supported
Diagonal borders in tables not supported (tdf#51665) supported
Extended reading mode of documents not supported (tdf#55168) supported
Collapse and expand parts of a document not supported (tdf#47746) supported
Simultaneous editing of a document by multiple authors not supported, in development supported (via OneDrive or Sharepoint)
Instant messaging while collaborating on document not supported supported (1)
Minor Feature Differences LO Writer 5.0 MS Word 2013
Protected cells in tables (allows better creation of forms) supported not supported
Open erroneous .doc files better recovery modea,b more frequently denies opening those files
Wizard to create personalized letter templates supported not supported
Import & Export Unified Office Format text supported not supported
Import & Export AportisDoc (Palm), PocketWord documents supported (requires Java installed) [1] not supported
Import of AbiWord files supported not supported
Import of eBook formats: FictionBook 2.0, BroadBand, Plucker (Palm), eReader (Palm), zTXT (Palm), TealDoc (Palm), PalmDoc (Palm) supported not supported
Import of legacy Mac OS word processing documents: MS Word for Mac (1-5.1), MS Works for Mac (1-4), ClarisWorks/AppleWorks, Write Now, MacWriteII/MacWritePro, DOCMaker 4, FullWrite Professional, HanMac Word-K/J, LightWayText for Mac 4.5, Mariner Write Mac Classic 1.6-3.5, MindWrite Document, Nisus Writer Mac Classic 3.4-6.5, TeachText/SimpleText 1, Tex-Edit 2, WriterPlus, Z-Write 1.3, eDOC 2, Acta Mac Classic, BeagleWorks/WordPerfect Works 1, GreatWorks, MacDoc 1, MoreMac 2-3, RagTime for Mac 2-3 supported not supported
Import of DOS/Windows legacy word processing documents: Microsoft WinWord 5, Microsoft Word 6.0 / 95, Hangul WP97 and Text 602 (T602), Lotus WordPro supported not supported
Logo toolbar and interpreter supported not supported
Conditional text supported not supported (1)
Format text of all comments in document supported not supported
Automatic replacement of Emojis supported manual creation of replacement lists
Number of columns per table in document unlimited columns limited to 63 columns
Maximum page size 300cm x 300cm 55.87cm x 55.87cm
Bibliographic features basic inbuilt support. Excellent free extensions: e.g. Zotero, Bibus, JabRef as well as proprietary extensions. supported plus free extensions: e.g. Zotero as well as proprietary extensions.
Rotate images rotation supported only for 90° increments (tdf#73797). Rotation of SVG vector graphics not supported (tdf#73796), alternative extensions WriterRotationTool or Easy Image Editor. supported
Advanced find & replace / Special characters partial (tdf#38261). See List of Regular Expressions. Extension: Alternative dialog Find & Replace for Writer supported
Complex Outline numbering / Multilevel list different numerically equivalent format not supported (tdf#35217) supported
Default keyboard shortcuts less default shortcuts (1) more default shortcuts (1)
Complex/rich text formatting in comments (e.g. bullet points, text color, images, tables) not supported. Some formatting features are supported, e.g. font type, font size, bold, italics, underline, text alignment (align, centered, justified). (tdf#81458) supported
Document/text translation not supported (tdf#34058) supported (1)
Decorative page borders not supported (tdf#39270) supported
Add watermarks to pages not supported, workaround exists. Watermark option in PDF export. supported
Horizontal split view of the same document not supported (tdf#31481), workaround: Windows > New Window to clone document window. supported
Outline view not supported (tdf#38262), workaround: Navigator > Content View to drag and promote/demote headings supported
Draft view not supported (tdf#39080) supported
Upload to blog servers not supported, extension: Sun Weblog Publisher. supported (Sharepoint Blog, Wordpress, Blogger, Windows Live Spaces, Community Server, TypePad, MetaWebLog API)

Spreadsheet applications: LibreOffice Calc vs. Microsoft Excel

Major Feature Differences LO Calc 5.0 MS Excel 2013
Comparison of two spreadsheet files supported not supported
Page styles (in addition to cell styles) supported not supported
Hyphenation of text in cells supported not supported
AutoSpellcheck / Spelling as you type supported not supported (1)
Export to XHTML supported not supported
Exporting of a single chart as image (e.g. jpg, png, svg, pdf) supported not supported
OpenFormula standard largely supported partial
Maximum number of rows per sheet 1,048,576 1,048,576 (65,536 in compatibility mode)
Maximum number of columns per sheet 1,024 (tdf#50916) 16,384 (256 in compatibility mode)
Table styles "View" > "Toolbars" > "Tools" > "Choose Themes" as well as "Format" > "AutoFormat" provide part of this functionality. (tdf#77569, tdf#44762,tdf#44763) supported
Import of Apple Numbers spreadsheet documents basic support (Numbers v1-2) not supported
Chart styles not supported (tdf#62925, tdf#62540, tdf#39097) Selection of some pre-set chart styles and layouts
Insert a graphic into a spreadsheet header or footer not supported (tdf#74146) supported
Interactive diagrams / PivotChart not supported supported
Relationships between tables, based on matching data in each table not supported (work around: using function VLOOKUP) supported (1)
Import Access databases via ODB file connected to database supported
Export generic XML not supported supported
Minor Feature Differences LO Calc 5.0 MS Excel 2013
Flexible CSV export supported (1, 2) not supported
Advanced find & replace / regular expressions / special characters supported (List of Regular Expressions) not supported
View clone of spreadsheet in new window independent window cannot be moved outside the application window
Chart type Stepped lines for XY (Scatter) graphs supported not supported
Import & Export Unified Office Format spreadsheet supported not supported
Import of DOS/Windows legacy spreadsheet formats: Lotus 1-2-3, Quattro Pro (v1-5.5 DOS; v6.0 Windows), Microsoft Works spreadsheet supported not supported
Import of Mac OS legacy spreadsheet formats: BeagleWorks, ClarisWorks, Claris Resolve, GreatWorks, MacWorks, Wingz supported not supported
Import & Export Pocket Excel supported (requires Java installed) [1] not supported
Ability to rotate entire chart supported not supported
PDF export of comments export of comments according to PDF specification not supported
Property mapping functionality for charts (conditional chart colors/borders) supported not supported (Only available: Inverting colors for negative values)
Formatting of cells more detailed: Number formats: more flexible use of "Format Code" for custom adjustments, leading zeroes, language setting, percentages without percentage sign, thousands separator for percentages; Font: overligning of text, relief (embossed, engraved), outline, shadow, underline of individual words, spacing settings, kerning; Borders: shadow, spacing to contents; Protection: hide cells when printing. less features
Additional cell format types: number format "Boolean value"; Engineering notation. Easy work around for missing US zip code and US phone number formats. partial, engineering notation via custom formats.
Conditional formatting: icon sets 2 additional smilies icon sets. No reverse icon order (tdf#61313). Customization of icon sets, e.g. reverse icon order.
Advanced find & replace / Cell Format partial (Styles supported, Cell Format not supported) supported
Formulae with entire columns or entire rows partial (tdf#92439, tdf#92452, tdf#92453, tdf#92779) supported
Default keyboard and/or mouse shortcuts less default shortcuts (1, tdf#92452, tdf#92453) more default shortcuts (1, 2, 3)
Reduces invalid formula references (#REF!) partial support (tdf#92779) supported
Import from Gnumeric partial (experimental) support not supported
Chart: Automatically vary colours by point not supported (only manually) supported
Chart type: xyz / surface charts not supported, basic workaround 1 (tdf#51670) supported
Chart type: pie of pie (bar of pie) not supported (tdf#50934) supported
Different chart types for different data series not supported (tdf#35629) supported
Printing of selected chart only not supported, workarounds 1, 2 (tdf#45893) supported
Quick analysis feature not supported supported
Flash fill not supported supported
Chart recommendations not supported supported
'Publishing' spreadsheet for online team meetings not supported supported
Sparklines (to give a quick overview of the trend in a data range) not supported, extension: EuroOffice Sparkline supported
Add points to a line, possibility to bend lines not supported (tdf#36943) supported
Cell background options background color (bugs regarding pattern tdf#31205 and gradient tdf#49177) background color, pattern, gradient
Copy only visible cells not supported, extension: Copy only visible cells supported

Presentation software: LibreOffice Impress vs. Microsoft Powerpoint

Major Feature Differences LO Impress 5.0 MS Powerpoint 2013
Hyphenation support supported not supported
Export to XHTML supported not supported
Export to HTML supported not supported (removed feature since MS Office 2013)
Export to Flash format (SWF) supported not supported
Export to vector graphic formats: SVG, EPS supported not supported
Inserting 3D models glTF files, partial support for .dae and .kmz files) (Windows/Linux) not supported
Presentation remote control for smartphones/tablets for Android smartphones/tablets, iOS (iPhone/iPad), and Pebble smartwatches. for WindowsPhone 8 and Android (smartphones only, no Office 2013 RT), but with additional features for Excel and Word
3D slide transitions Mac OS X, Linux, Windows Mac OS X, Windows
Edit embedded videos via external programs directly in the program
Comments and reply to comments partial supported
Animated effects supported, but problems with: spinning text (tdf#87958), pixelated (tdf#87959), wobble/shake/vibrate (tdf#87960), objects stuck (tdf#88196) supported
Slides editable during presentation not supported (tdf#34965) supported
SmartArt diagrams not supported (tdf#37932), solution: smArt extension supported
Save highlights and drawings during presentation not supported (tdf#51928) supported
Compare presentations not supported, extension ODFDiff supported
Broadcast presentation on the Internet only via export to PDF or SWF supported
Collaboration features. Several people working on same presentation not supported supported
Animated diagrams not supported supported
Record a slide show not supported (tdf#34959) supported
Minor Feature Differences LO Impress 5.0 MS Powerpoint 2013
Number of slide layouts 12 9
Text background colour in text boxes supported not supported
PDF export of comments export of comments according to PDF specification not supported
Import & Export Unified Office Format presentation supported not supported
Export to graphics formats: MET, PBM, PICT, PGM, PPM, RAS, XPM, PWP supported not supported
Import of Apple Keynote files supported not supported
Embedding of fonts in presentation file supported supported on Windows. No support for embedding fonts in Powerpoint on Mac OS X
Maximum page size 300cm x 300cm (Draw and Impress) 142.22cm x 142.22cm
Editing of master slides limited editing, has been a GSOC 2013 project (1). powerful editing
Default keyboard shortcuts less default shortcuts (1) more default shortcuts (1, 2)
Creation of automatically starting presentations not supported, extension: ImpressRunner supported
Export presentation to video formats not supported (tdf#34959) supported (only to .wmv format)
Slide zoom and pan not supported (tdf#38263) supported

Database program: LibreOffice Base vs. Microsoft Access

Major Feature Differences LO Base 5.0 MS Access 2013
Available on all operating systems supported by the office suite yes MS Access not available on Mac OS X, Windows RT and other mobile OS
SQL syntax highlighting supported not supported
Native connectors for: MySQL/MariaSQL, PostgreSQL, Novell GroupWise supported no, via ODBC
Integration of Mozilla Thunderbird address book, KDE address book, Evolution LDAP and storage, Windows system address book supported (TB address books not on Mac OS X (tdf#38397) not supported
Native JDBC driver supported not supported
Connect to ODF spreadsheet (Calc) file format supported not supported
Database engine HSQLDB 1.8.x, FirebirdSQL (experimental) Jet
Integration of MS Outlook address book Supported only on MS Windows. No support for Outlook (tdf#56903) and Outlook Express (tdf#56905) address book access in the native 64-bit Windows builds of LibreOffice. supported
Importing data sources (tables) from within the database application Either via drag & drop from Calc or via drag & drop from another Base window with the data source being open. (1) (tdf#51872) supported
Exporting tables to different file formats from within the database application: Only via drag&drop to LibreOffice Calc or via drag & drop from another Base window with the writable data source being open. (1) (tdf#73798) supported
Edit MS Access files limited olders driver "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0" works fine for read/write, while "Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0" driver only reads; (tdf#43187). Driver only works on Windows. supported
Native connector for: Microsoft SQL Server no, via ODBC supported
Search tables supported supported
Crosstab queries not supported but reproducible with Pivot Table with Calc (FAQ 142) supported
"Linked tables" capability not supported but you can link text tables (FAQ 143) (tdf#56234) supported
Imported table from spreadsheets - keep fields format not supported supported
Import data from XML, HTML not supported supported
Minor Feature Differences LO Base 5.0 MS Access 2013
Native connector for: dBase databases supported not supported (removed feature since Office 2013)
Open LibreOffice Base (.odb) files supported not supported
Open DOS/Windows legacy formats: Microsoft Works database supported not supported
Native connector for: SharePoint lists not supported supported
Web service data connection not supported supported
Password protection of database not supported (tdf#70638) supported
Calculations in database tables not supported (tdf#72787) supported

Extensions: LibreOffice extensions adding outstanding features to LibreOffice

LibreOffice has a complex eco-system of extensions (over 260 on and over 750 on Additionally to the extensions already mentioned in above comparison table, here is a selection of some extensions adding valuable features to LibreOffice:

LibreOffice Extensions
General office suite: LibreOffice
LibreOffice Writer
  • TexMaths adds an LaTex equation editor to LibreOffice
  • DMaths adds a comprehensive mathematical tool box to LibreOffice Writer
  • Chemistry allows to insert chemistry formulas as image from formula.
  • COOoder provides syntax highlighting for LibreOffice Writer.
  • AddPics creates a Writer document from pictures of scanned pages.
  • Writer's Tools is a set of utilities for frequent writers.
  • Alternative find & replace dialog for Writer.
  • Typography toolbar for advanced use of Graphite smart font features.
  • QR code Generator
  • Transcriber, transcription tool for audio files.
  • Organon, organisation and navigation tool to organize long texts (novels, narrations, scientific works).
  • Template Changer, allows to change the template for an existing document.
  • File format filters
    • Export-Freemind allows to export Writer documents to Freemind mind manager.
    • Writer2LaTex allows to export Writer documents to LaTex.
    • Writer2ePub allows to export to the a free and open e-book standard ePub.
LibreOffice Calc
LibreOffice Impress
  • Export as Images allows to export all the Impress slides or Draw pages as images of JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP and TIFF format.
  • OpenCards is a free award-winning flashcard learning software.
LibreOffice Draw
LibreOffice Base


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