Speedtest.net Server: Install

Speedtest.net is used for measuring internet bandwidth. You can configure your own speedtest.net mini server to run Internet speed. It pings several websites via HTTP and calculates the response time and display results in GUI. This tutorial teaches you how to configure speedtest.net server in Ubuntu 15.04.


For installing speedtest.net server it requires Apache, Php package, speedtest mini package and flash player.

SpeedTest.net Server Installation:

Step 1: Installation of Apache

It is the world’s most wildly used web server that about more than 50% websites run on Apache web server. Following are the steps given to install Apache web server. Open terminal using Ctrl+ alt + T, and Enter the following command.
# apt-get install apache2

Step 2: Installation of Php

Now, after installing Apache web server , you need to install Php packages, run following command in terminal,
# apt-get install php5 php5-mysql php5-gd php5-mcrypt

Step 3: Download Speedtest mini server

Now, download the speedtest.net mini server packages from official website.
For downloading we use wget command. Now run the following command in terminal,
# wget http://c.speedtest.net/mini/mini.zip
Now, we need to extract mini.zip and copy all files into /var/www/html
# unzip mini.zip
Now, copy folder into /var/www/html/
#cp -rRfv mini /var/www/html/
Now we need to assign ownership of the files and folders to Apache’s user and group,
# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/mini
Go to /var/www/html/mini and edit required settings,
move index-php.html to index.html by using mv command,
# cd /var/www/html/mini
# mv index-php.html index.html
Now, Restart Apache service and mysql service,
# systemctl restart apache2

Step 5: Installation of FlashPlayer

The flash player required foe speedtest.net server. If flash-player is not installed in your system, install it by using the following command,
# apt-get install flashplugin-installer

For older ubuntu installs talready with apache2:

Download Speedtest mini server

Now, download the speedtest.net mini server packages from official website.

For downloading we use wget command. Now run the following command in terminal,
# wget http://c.speedtest.net/mini/mini.zip

Now, we need to extract mini.zip and copy all files into /var/www/html
# unzip mini.zip

Now, copy folder into /var/www/
#cp -rRfv mini /var/www/

Now we need to assign ownership of the files and folders to Apache’s user and group,
# chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/mini

Go to /var/www/mini and edit required settings,
move index-php.html to index.html by using mv command,
# cd /var/www/mini
# mv index-php.html index.html
# service apache2 restart
SpeedTest Mini Web Interface:

Now, open your browser and open http://server_domain_name_or_IP/mini or http://localhost/mini

speedtest server
speedtest server ubuntu 15.04


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