Patent bullies.

It amazes me that it is that news reports have estimated that Microsoft allegedly earns close to a half billion dollars off the Android platform. To my knowledge, they have yet never told the public what they have done to earn that money. According to reports, Microsoft alleges that it violates some kind of patents. Since Microsoft is a "public" company and has been under the scrutiny of the courts for being a monopoly, do they not owe an explanation of all this. As far as I can see they have allegedly muscled their way to get a free ride off of Android. Microsoft has had their own problems with being on the wrong end of a patent. For some reason Microsoft has to do everything in secret. That is not what this country is about and they seem to be downright un-American.

A host of a popular video podcast exclaimed why should anyone go with Android? The host recommend Apple products instead because they are more standard. What the host either fails to realise or does not want the public to know the truth is that Microsoft and other companies are suing the heck out of vendors of Android into changing their product so that it can not be standard.

In any case, I probably will not get an Android device in addition to being overpriced unless I can run an open source operating system that is not tied to an "App" store. That is so I can use it the way I want and not how someone else wants me to use it. Major proprietary vendors say they are selling it to you, but their contract in all essence is just a rental. This leaves me to believe the public is being duped to at least some degree.


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