A few old tweets.

The Geek shall inherit the earth!

My computing became more intimate using Linux, OS/X, Minix, AUX, Unix, and the like after reading "The Joy of X".

Some people say they are an MS PC. Some people say they are an Apple Mac. If you use both, do you have a multiple personality disorder.

What's the difference between a plumber and a sysadmin. One hates backups and the other loves them.

Linux administrators have gotten a bad rap for being bad tempered. Just because they want to bash code with ncurses.

Then again electronics people must like to meditate, because they are always saying ohm.

Traveling with computers must be tough, because people always they have a hard drive.

Older computer geeks must like to speak Spanish, because they were always saying K.

Electronics people must really care about what Millie does, because they are always saying Millie what?

Programmers when coding can be challenging so they cover their ascii.

There is no place like localhost and my address is

The descendants of Paladin: "Have computer, will network."

If your love likes to use twitter a lot, would she be your tweetie pie.

Every time you hear a bell ring a computer is being re-purposed with linux. "ding ding"

A computer is just a robot without any arms or legs......

Beware geeks bearing gifs.

There are 10 types of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

You have to make a certain amount of mistakes when writing sequential computer code, but the newer programmers are always saying OOPS.

Man talking to his better half. Him: Make me a sandwich. Her: What? make it yourself! Him: Sudo make me a sandwich. Her: Okay!

You know you have too many toys when your better half revokes your "Dumpster diving" license.

First there was the file server, then there was the nas server, and now there is the cloud server. New names, but same equipment.

If you want to know what is using ipaddresses on your network, try this: "nmap -sP"

Nerds really like the music of Judy Collins. "Send in the clowns" is now "Send in the clones

Databases are a lot like mice, They both know how to SQL


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