
Screenshot from 2013-08-16 14:59:47
You may want to surf internet a bit more carefully. That is you do not want the sites you go to to know where you are surfing from.   Here is one way to achieve that, You will need to use a program called SSH and you will need a shell account on a server no where you are. Copied a short piece of code to  test what ipaddress we were surfing from on the local server.
header(“Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate”);
header(“Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT”);
if (!empty($_GET)) {
// lecture du GET et execution des tâches
exit(“alert(‘Your ip address is: “.$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].”‘);”);
After installing that file on the server where it would be easily accessible, I tested it out.
Screenshot from 2013-08-16 14:16:33
That was the correct ipaddress so what’s next? We need to get access to the shell account we want to use via ssh. So we will for deminstrations purposes will just use te server oesrvr1.
$ ssh -D localhost:9999 oesrvr1
That tells our system to log into oesrvr1 and let us use port 9999 for the socks proxy on our machine. So we are letting the server act as a proxy or stand in for which ipaddress to be used on the net. Now we have to let our web browser know what port to use in stead of the default port 80 on our machine. We will use our machine as localjpst (aka on port 9999 that we used to connect to the server with. You will need to go into your web browser and change the socks settings. If you disconnect from the server, you will have to go back and change this setting back to what it what. Not a big deal though.
Screenshot from 2013-08-16 12:13:24
Now lets go back to the browser and refresh the page. Neat, the internet thinks you are using the server to browse from. Less information advertisers can get if you visit their site,
Screenshot from 2013-08-16 14:15:30


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