Antenna power again.

Screenshot from 2013-08-16 23:42:50
Was thinking about circuits to improve the energy received from an antenna when I though about an Idea or two. Update on results coming.
Instead of using the full wave rectifier or the special engergy circcuit,  lets use just a simple voltage doubler circuit we will use a special modified circuit to do voltage doubling. The traditional rectifier used in essense 4 diodes. To make a voltage double you will need to replace two fo the diodes with electrolytic capacitors. To make our circuit even more intersting, we will be using what is known aas a step up transformer to see what happens. A voltage meter will be added to the dc side to see what results we might get.Since the incoming signal is ac, the transformer should work fine within limitation. If you wer using incoming dc voltage, this circuit definately would not work. The Transformer might also help boots the voltage, but there might possibly be a power loss.
One other possible modification would be to add a tuning capacitor to the less coil side of the transformer to latch on to stronger signals.
Note: I know nothing about electronics, except what little I have read, so this experiment will be even more interesting.


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