Nexux 7 and the Arduino.

Want to hook your Nexus 7 directly to your arduino, then all you need is a OTG cable and a standard usb cable. Get the free (at this time) Usb(terminal app from the playtore and install it.You will want to set the arduino serial port and the Nexus 7 both the the same speed. We use 9600.  The android has an ide app for Android, but I have not tested it yet. Update Downmloaded and installed arduinodroid. Seems to work ok even with my osepp board.
 Have fun.

Code to send data from the Arduino to the Nexus 7.

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  Serial.println("This is a test");


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