
Have not made much time to work on special projects. One thing I need to start back on is robopet.  There is nothing real super snazzy about this unit although it could be. mainly I will use it for carrying snacks back and forth from the kitchen during sporting events. There will be a second level not currently attached to hold the goodies. More information about the unit follows.


Using an old Pentium I computer, usb wireless, DC battery power, and compact flash with an ide interface.

Made a special wiring hardness to connect the parallel port with the electronics. Now I need to start testing the electronics for the motor control. Hoping the h-bridge can take the current. If not, I think I have a IC that will. Worst case scenarios is to do it the old fashion way with transistors. After that, everything should fall into place.

Using a standard power supply to test the unit, but it will run on battery when I finish it. Since the motherboard is AT and the DC-DC PS is ATX, I had to make a special cable from scratch to interface the two. Tested the cable and it works.

Have the wireless working via a usb interface set up to work with a specific router via the mac address and the zone. Albeit the wireless is 11 mb, more than fast enough to receive and send communication

No sensors added yet.


The Linux OS is installed.  The OS resides on a compact flash.The iso file for the version of the Ubuntu distribution also resides on the flash drive and gets mounted as a loop.

Using my own home grown robot control software gather data from sensors and to operate the unit. Eventually, I want to make an autonomous unit.  This unit will be more like a remote controlled car via wifi.

Code to control the motors has already been tested and is working.   Using a hardwired connection, already tested client/server socket programming to communicate with and control the unit. That should be way more efficient and possibly more secure than using a web server per se..


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