Article listing for 2011.



Microblogging from the command line.Apple- automation- blog- BSD- Facebook-Edward12/28/11
Android a unix device?administrator- Apple- Centos- Debian- eff- george jetson-Edward12/26/11
The Strange Birth and Long Life of UnixMike Kent12/26/11
Merry ChistmasMike Kent12/25/11
Happy Holidays!Christmas- Holidays- NativityEdward12/20/11
Qantas terror blamed on computerMike Kent12/20/11
Incredibly shrinking computer.Android- Assembly- Basic- Edward12/19/11
Fukushima nuclear site finally stabilizedMike Kent12/16/11
Homemade antennasantenna- TV- WifiEdward12/15/11
Legacy networking.legacy- Linux- rs232Edward12/14/11
Android development.Android- css- development- Google- html- html5- javascript-Edward12/13/11
Private spaceflight gets new contender with Strato...Burt Rutan- NASA- Paul Allen-Mike Kent12/13/11
Nook- Fire Update wars Have BegunAmazon- Barnes and Noble- Color NookMike Kent12/12/11
Iron Geek retro part 1.3com- Dos- Ghost- home automation- network- Edward12/10/11
What Really Happened Aboard Air France 447Mike Kent12/10/11
My Uncle’s remote control.Robert12/9/11
Touch tablet for the visually impaired?Android- Handicap- touch tabletEdward12/7/11
Tablets Hurting PC Sales? - of Course They Are!Android- iPad- Kindle fire- nookMike Kent12/5/11
Computing for the visually impaired.blind- handicapped.- impaired- Linux- visuallyEdward12/4/11 and Network Solutions- the Walmart of the ...Robert12/1/11
Openwrt for x86 - part 2dd-wrt- Linux- openwrt- usbEdward11/28/11
Openwrt for x86 - part 1dd-wrt- legacy- openwrt- routerEdward11/26/11
Thank you for visiting us.Edward11/23/11
Get your mac back- Jack!Apple. Mac- machine- virtualEdward11/21/11
The new file cabinet.attached- cabinent- File- network- server- storageEdward11/21/11
Business data using spreadsheets.Business- inventory- management- spreadsheets-Edward11/20/11
What's in your wallet (i mean computer)?Apple- computer- hardware- Linux- mac-Edward11/20/11
Android x86 for your PC.Android- cd- live- pc- x86Edward11/19/11
Easy web server setupMicrosoft- python.- server- web- WindowsEdward11/19/11
Want to run Andriod on a PC? Try this gadget: US...Mike Kent11/19/11
Using a simple Google API.API- Google- weatherEdward11/18/11
Screen resolution updateLinux- resolution- screen- size- spreadsheetEdward11/17/11
Linux screen resolutionLinux- monitor- resolutionEdward11/17/11
A bit of news.Edward11/16/11
Free Satellite Tvantenna- dish- free- satellite- televsion- TVEdward11/16/11
DSL and Dish versus CableRobert11/15/11
Do not depend on them.drill- geek- screwdriver- toolEdward11/15/11
Resizing Desktop icons continuedicon- Linux- MSWindows XP- resize- tip- videoEdward11/13/11
Re-size desktop iconsRobert11/13/11
Flash for Mobile - Heading for HTML5 InsteadMike Kent11/13/11
Hard drive shortage?aoe- client- cloneing clone- gpxe- iscsi- lan- pxe- san-Edward11/11/11
Red October network discovery.Apple- BSD- hack- Linux- network- nmapEdward11/11/11
Exacto knife.css- edit. html- javascript- pate- webEdward11/10/11
Quick cartooncartoon- computer- console- game- geek- IBM- ps2- sonyEdward11/6/11
Evolution of a scriptbash- gui- list- script- weatherEdward11/1/11
Duplicate linux box.cloning- systemEdward10/30/11
Recent projectsbolo- computers- food- geek- screen- wgetEdward10/30/11
Underused linux command.Apache- cloud- computing- lamp- machine- mamp. web- Edward10/30/11
How to tell a real computer tech.employment- Linux- Microsoft- Technican- testsEdward10/29/11
Your first web program.Apple- browser- BSD- editor- gedit- html- LinuxEdward10/27/11
Market research.Linux- marketing- researchEdward10/24/11
In honor of Dennis Ritchie passing-ascii- Dennis- Linux- movie- Ritchie- teminal-Edward10/21/11
Free Tvanalog- antenna- digital- dvr- free- monitor- Mythbuntu- Mythtv- PVR-Edward10/19/11
Rebuilt a new(old) computer.Apple. Mac- command- cost- Debian- line Edward10/17/11
Thank goodness! Up and running again.aoe- Centos- Debian- gpxe- install- iscsi-Edward10/16/11
Alas poor oesrvr1Dell- Linux- server- Ubuntu- webEdward10/15/11
Thinking outside of the box.Edward10/13/11
We lose another great one.Edward10/13/11
More out of what you have (part 2)Edward10/9/11
Some thoughts.Apple- Mapple- osx- Simpsons- wozEdward10/6/11
In memorium:Apple- Jobs- mac- wozEdward10/5/11
Steve Jobs' 2005 Stanford Commencement AddressMike Kent10/5/11
Steve Jobs - Apple Leader PassesApple- Steve JobsMike Kent10/5/11
Making more out of what you have.client- cloud- computer- DIY- ElectronicsEdward9/30/11
Patent bullies.Android- Linux- MS- patentEdward9/29/11
About Face! GM Reverses Decision to track non OnS...GM- GPS- On StarMike Kent9/27/11
Is the Facebook bubble getting ready to burst?Facebook- social media- ZyngaMike Kent9/27/11
Linux for new computer- Linux- rockerEdward9/26/11
Time saver with page scraping.bash- browser- page- scraping- webEdward9/26/11
BSODbsod- computer- crash- error- MicrosoftEdward9/23/11
Need an extra arm?arduino- ARM- computer- microprocessorEdward9/20/11
How about twice the performance for less power?ARM- Atom- Kal-El Mike Kent9/20/11
Getting more for less.client- ltsp- server- terminal- thinEdward9/20/11
Did someone get a clue?BSD- Linux- Microsoft- operating systems- server-Edward9/20/11
Yet another reason I really like Ars TechnicaComputer history- Grace MurrayMike Kent9/18/11
More nails in the flash coffinAdobe- Flash- Microsoft- Windows 8Mike Kent9/18/11
Head is up in a commerce- server- site- webEdward9/16/11
A few old tweets.Edward9/15/11
Lost site.internet- lost- page- wayback- webEdward9/14/11
Can a Tablet be used for everyday work? - Jacqui C...ARM- ars technical- iPadMike Kent9/14/11
How to sell online- Part 2Robert9/13/11
Habla usted Python.html- language- program- PythonEdward9/13/11
Why can I not program it?Android- development- iPad- IphoneEdward9/12/11
Even Adobe is preparing for the end of FlashAdobe- Flash- iOS- iPadMike Kent9/11/11
Free money- well sort free- money- recycle- reuseEdward9/11/11
Really?computer- Linux- open sourceEdward9/10/11
Microsoft to Improve Boot Times in Windows 8 - doe...Mike Kent9/9/11
What time is it?clock- computer- recycleEdward9/9/11
Flash: the end may not quite be near - but the big...Mike Kent9/7/11
The more things change- the more history- Office- softwareEdward9/6/11
We love web servers and touchpads...Chumby- home automation- Linux- nslu2Edward9/4/11
How to sell on-line- Part one.Robert9/4/11
Geek JokesRobert9/3/11
Geekwearaccessory- computer- food- geek- hack- Home madeEdward8/29/11
Odds and ends.cheesecake- document- network- recycleEdward8/28/11
My old pads.... and squeeze a video.edit- iPad- touchpad- videoEdward8/28/11
This and dvr- ereader- home automation- internet- security- server-Edward8/27/11
Translating from the command line.Apple- bash- language- Microsoft- translationEdward8/19/11
Kill a virus.antivirus- clamav- Linux- Microsoft- SambaEdward8/15/11
Moving network- recycle- reuseEdward8/4/11
New re-uses for old computers- by EddieRobert8/2/11
How to set up an online businessRobert7/31/11
Keywords- what in the W.W.W. are we looking for?Robert7/25/11
To META or Not to META that is the question?Robert7/22/11
Who we areRobert7/22/11


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