Garage sale! has a tremendous amount of free software. One area they excel at is with web  server based software.  A web server is a perfect use for an old machine. In fact, I still have an old pII based box that runs our private web server. All the screenshots are from that system. Probably will have to update to a pIII soon.

In any case I found this great piece of software that is easier to install than most desktop applications. It should work on any system with a W/M/Lamp based server. It is a POS or short for point of sale software. This is great for a garage sale or a charity event where you need to sort of act like a small business. Most everything in it is point and click once you have it set up. One thing I like about it is, you can access it with an Ipad, Android, or any tablet that has a built in web browser. That gives you and anyone working with you to have the freedom to move around at your sale and not be stuck behind a register.

Using a program called phpmyadmin makes it real easy to set up the database or file cabinet for the program.  All point and click. This program is also open source. We already have a few file cabinets set up as you can see. You will also need to change software file permissions and then edit a file with the information you set up in phpmyadmin.

Once you have the program set up you can go directly to the web page and do some additional set up as add employees, products to be sold and etc.

I think the install of the program was no more than ten minutes. Installing the data in the program took a while longer.  Anyway check out and see what other goodies they have for you.


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