Reactos, free Microsoft Windows NT clone.

Per their web page:

ReactOS® is an effort to create a Free and Open Source replacement for the Microsoft Windows NT® family that is compatible with both applications and drivers. The NT® architecture has always been highly flexible and powerful and its continued dominance in the computer industry means it is one of the most supported family of operating systems in existence, with its latest iteration being Windows 8. As these days operating systems are little more than gateways to applications that users want to run, an open source NT implementation would allow users to continue using familiar programs in a familiar environment. The project seeks to embrace the strengths of the NT family while avoiding many of the configuration decisions that made older versions of Windows vulnerable and maintaining a lightweight environment so that a computer's resources can be dedicated to what really matters to the user, running their applications.

If you have an older computer and really do not want to learn  a 'nix operating system, but are familiar with Microsoft Windows products then consider Reactos. Have not used it in a while, but it seemed fairly compatible with the real thing. As long as you are not doing anything really serious with it, there should be no real challenges. Perfect for the kids so they can just fool around with it. Perfect way to use an older computer so the kids stay off your new computer. Could also probably be used for the older generation also. Try it! It's free, but you need a system to download it and then install it on a cd.


System requirements

The minimum requirements to install ReactOS are:
  • RAM: at least 64 MB, recommended: 256MB
  • Processor: x86 or x64 architecture, for more information see ReactOS ports
  • HDD: IDE/SATA with minimum 350 MB of free space on the primary partition (please note that some SATA controllers may not work with ReactOS)
    • FAT16/FAT32 primary boot partition
  • Video: VGA compatible video card (VESA BIOS version 2.0 or later) 

Someones review of Reactos. Not our video....


    1. looking forward for more news about this operating system! :D


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