Chromecast the video streaming receiver. $35

One of the latest little gadgets to come out on the market is Chromecast. You can push out media (video) from almost any device that supports the Dial protocol ( Commercials show users sending their video from laptop, ipad, iphone, and etc to the unit when the unit is attached to the back of a tv set that supports hdmi.

There may still be some security issues to work out (i.e. , but software can always be upgraded in some cases. Third party developers say that it is easy to program media to the unit using HTML5. The future of web browsing.

Originally some free time with Netflix was included. Google has allegedly now taken that part of the deal off the table according to news reports. At only $35, if you have not purchased a media streaming device then certainly consider it.  I will probably stay with using XBMC on the Raspberry Pi. 


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