How to tell a real computer tech.

Probably going to get lambasted for this article, but it is something to think about when judging a potential employee. Can a potential employee use what they have or do they need thousands of dollars just to do the simplest thing to get going.  Here we will pit a confirmed Microsoft software only advocate versus someone who has at least some familiarity with linux or is willing to try something new and use the systems allotted to them.

In each of two separate rooms on the desk is a Pentium II computer with 128 megs of ram, minimal graphics card, network connection, floppy drive and a 4 gig hard drive. This system will have access to the internet. Also on the desk, are two items. A brand new MSWindows 7 dvd install disk and a gpxe based floppy setup to install linux remotely via the network. The two potential techs are sent to each of the separate rooms to get their computer up and running plus send an email to predefined email address left on a piece of paper also on the desk.

After an hour we hear the  Microsoft software only advocate say he or she thew away the floppy as being worthless. Then they go on to complain they did not have a real computer to complete the job. They felt the project was unfair and demeaning. They also said they wanted no part of this type of company.

At the same time, we go over to the other room and find the other applicant working away sending an email as requested in the test. The floppy was put to full use and the MSWindows dvd was left untouched. That applicant in his or her email thanked the company for giving them such an opportunity to be useful.

Which applicant do you think should be offered the position? Which potential employee would you want? You might be also thinking, how can I use Linux to save money in my company?


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