The Doctor is in.

Here is a web based browser that emulates sort of the old Eliza program that has been around for years.

The code:

<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Talk to Eliza!">
<TITLE>Eliza, Computer Therapist</TITLE>

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><!--

// Chat Bot by George Dunlop,
// Note - Eliza is a Classic Model of chat Bots.. but this implementation is mine :)
// May be used/modified if credit line is retained (c) 1997 All rights reserved

    loaded = false;                // load flag for interlocking the pages


// Keys

   maxKey = 36;
   keyNotFound = maxKey-1;
   keyword = new Array(maxKey);

    function key(key,idx,end){
       this.key = key;                           // phrase to match
        this.idx = idx;                           // first response to use
        this.end = end;                           // last response to use
        this.last = end;                                // response used last time
    maxrespnses =116;
   response = new Array(maxrespnses);

    maxConj = 19;
    max2ndConj = 7;
   var conj1 = new Array(maxConj);
   var conj2 = new Array(maxConj);
   var conj3 = new Array(max2ndConj);
   var conj4 = new Array(max2ndConj);

// Funtion to replaces all occurances of substring substr1 with substr2 within strng
// if type == 0 straight string replacement
// if type == 1 assumes padded strings and replaces whole words only
// if type == 2 non case sensitive assumes padded strings to compare whole word only
// if type == 3 non case sensitive straight string replacement

    var RPstrg = "";

    function replaceStr( strng, substr1, substr2, type){
        var pntr = -1; aString = strng;
        if( type == 0 ){ 
            if( strng.indexOf( substr1 ) >= 0 ){ pntr = strng.indexOf( substr1 );    }
        } else if( type == 1 ){
            if( strng.indexOf( " "+ substr1 +" " ) >= 0 ){ pntr = strng.indexOf( " " + substr1 + " " ) + 1; }   
        } else if( type == 2 ){
            bstrng = strng.toUpperCase();
            bsubstr1 = substr1.toUpperCase();
            if( bstrng.indexOf( " "+ bsubstr1 +" " )>= 0 ){ pntr = bstrng.indexOf( " " + bsubstr1 + " " ) + 1; }   
        } else {
            bstrng = strng.toUpperCase();
            bsubstr1 = substr1.toUpperCase();
            if( bstrng.indexOf( bsubstr1 ) >= 0 ){ pntr = bstrng.indexOf( bsubstr1 ); }   
        if( pntr >= 0 ){
            RPstrg += strng.substring( 0, pntr ) + substr2;
            aString = strng.substring(pntr + substr1.length, strng.length );
            if( aString.length > 0 ){ replaceStr( aString, substr1, substr2, type ); }
        aString =  RPstrg + aString;
        RPstrg = "";
        return aString;

// Function to pad a string.. head, tail & punctuation

    punct = new Array(".", ",", "!", "?", ":", ";", "&", '"', "@", "#", "(", ")" )

    function padString(strng){
        aString = " " + strng + " ";
        for( i=0; i < punct.length; i++ ){
            aString = replaceStr( aString, punct[i], " " + punct[i] + " ", 0 );
        return aString

// Function to strip padding

    function unpadString(strng){
        aString = strng;
        aString = replaceStr( aString, "  ", " ", 0 );         // compress spaces
        if( strng.charAt( 0 ) == " " ){ aString = aString.substring(1, aString.length ); }
        if( strng.charAt( aString.length - 1 ) == " " ){ aString = aString.substring(0, aString.length - 1 ); }
        for( i=0; i < punct.length; i++ ){
            aString = replaceStr( aString, " " + punct[i], punct[i], 0 );
        return aString

// Dress Input formatting i.e leading & trailing spaces and tail punctuation
    var ht = 0;                                                // head tail stearing
    function strTrim(strng){
        if(ht == 0){ loc = 0; }                                    // head clip
        else { loc = strng.length - 1; }                        // tail clip  ht = 1
        if( strng.charAt( loc ) == " "){
            aString = strng.substring( - ( ht - 1 ), strng.length - ht);
            aString = strTrim(aString);
        } else {
            var flg = false;
            for(i=0; i<=5; i++ ){ flg = flg || ( strng.charAt( loc ) == punct[i]); }
                aString = strng.substring( - ( ht - 1 ), strng.length - ht );
            } else { aString = strng; }
            if(aString != strng ){ strTrim(aString); }
        if( ht ==0 ){ ht = 1; strTrim(aString); }
        else { ht = 0; }       
        return aString;

// adjust pronouns and verbs & such

    function conjugate( sStrg ){               // rephrases sString
        var sString = sStrg;
        for( i = 0; i < maxConj; i++ ){            // decompose
            sString = replaceStr( sString, conj1[i], "#@&" + i, 2 );
        for( i = 0; i < maxConj; i++ ){            // recompose
            sString = replaceStr( sString, "#@&" + i, conj2[i], 2 );
        // post process the resulting string
        for( i = 0; i < max2ndConj; i++ ){            // decompose
            sString = replaceStr( sString, conj3[i], "#@&" + i, 2 );
        for( i = 0; i < max2ndConj; i++ ){            // recompose
            sString = replaceStr( sString, "#@&" + i, conj4[i], 2 );
        return sString;

// Build our response string
// get a random choice of response based on the key
// Then structure the response

    var pass = 0;
    var thisstr = "";
    function phrase( sString, keyidx ){
        idxmin = keyword[keyidx].idx;
        idrange = keyword[keyidx].end - idxmin + 1;
        choice = keyword[keyidx].idx + Math.floor( Math.random() * idrange );
        if( choice == keyword[keyidx].last && pass < 5 ){
            pass++; phrase(sString, keyidx );
        keyword[keyidx].last = choice;
        var rTemp = response[choice];
        var tempt = rTemp.charAt( rTemp.length - 1 );
        if(( tempt == "*" ) || ( tempt == "@" )){
            var sTemp = padString(sString);
            var wTemp = sTemp.toUpperCase();
            var strpstr = wTemp.indexOf( " " + keyword[keyidx].key + " " );
           strpstr += keyword[ keyidx ].key.length + 1;
            thisstr = conjugate( sTemp.substring( strpstr, sTemp.length ) );
            thisstr = strTrim( unpadString(thisstr) )
            if( tempt == "*" ){
                sTemp = replaceStr( rTemp, "<*", " " + thisstr + "?", 0 );
            } else { sTemp = replaceStr( rTemp, "<@", " " + thisstr + ".", 0 );
        } else sTemp = rTemp;
        return sTemp;
// returns array index of first key found

        var keyid = 0;

    function testkey(wString){
        if( keyid < keyNotFound
            && !( wString.indexOf( " " + keyword[keyid].key + " ") >= 0 )){
            keyid++; testkey(wString);
    function findkey(wString){
        keyid = 0;
        found = false;
        if( keyid >= keyNotFound ){ keyid = keyNotFound; }
          return keyid;         

// This is the entry point and the I/O of this code

    var wTopic = "";                                            // Last worthy responce
    var sTopic = "";                                            // Last worthy responce
    var greet = false;
    var wPrevious = "";                                    // so we can check for repeats
    var started = false;   

    function listen(User){
          sInput = User;
       if(started){ clearTimeout(Rtimer); }
        Rtimer = setTimeout("wakeup()", 180000);        // wake up call
        started = true;                                        // needed for Rtimer
       sInput = strTrim(sInput);                            // dress input formating
        if( sInput != "" ){
            wInput = padString(sInput.toUpperCase());    // Work copy
            var foundkey = maxKey;                           // assume it's a repeat input
            if (wInput != wPrevious){                       // check if user repeats himself
                foundkey = findkey(wInput);               // look for a keyword.
            if( foundkey == keyNotFound ){
                if( !greet ){ greet = true; return "Don't you ever say Hello?" }
                else {
                    wPrevious = wInput;                      // save input to check repeats
                    if(( sInput.length < 10 ) && ( wTopic != "" ) && ( wTopic != wPrevious )){
                        lTopic = conjugate( sTopic ); sTopic = ""; wTopic = "";
                        return 'OK... "' + lTopic + '". Tell me more.';
                    } else {
                        if( sInput.length < 15 ){
                            return "Tell me more...";
                        } else { return phrase( sInput, foundkey ); }
            } else {
                if( sInput.length > 12 ){ sTopic = sInput; wTopic = wInput; }
                greet = true; wPrevious = wInput;              // save input to check repeats
                return phrase( sInput, foundkey );            // Get our response
        } else { return "I can't help, if you will not chat with me!"; }
    function wakeup(){
            var strng1 = "    *** Are We going to Chat? ***";
            var strng2 = "  I can't help you without a dialog!";
// build our data base here
    conj1[0]  = "are";           conj2[0]  = "am";
    conj1[1]  = "am";           conj2[1]  = "are";
    conj1[2]  = "were";          conj2[2]  = "was";
    conj1[3]  = "was";          conj2[3]  = "were";
    conj1[4]  = "I";                conj2[4]  = "you";   
    conj1[5]  = "me";            conj2[5]  = "you";   
    conj1[6]  = "you";           conj2[6]  = "me";
    conj1[7]  = "my";            conj2[7]  = "your";   
    conj1[8]  = "your";          conj2[8]  = "my";
    conj1[9]  = "mine";          conj2[9]  = "your's";   
    conj1[10] = "your's";     conj2[10] = "mine";   
    conj1[11] = "I'm";           conj2[11] = "you're";
    conj1[12] = "you're";      conj2[12] = "I'm";   
    conj1[13] = "I've";          conj2[13] = "you've";
    conj1[14] = "you've";     conj2[14] = "I've";
    conj1[15] = "I'll";         conj2[15] = "you'll";
    conj1[16] = "you'll";     conj2[16] = "I'll";
    conj1[17] = "myself";     conj2[17] = "yourself";
    conj1[18] = "yourself";     conj2[18] = "myself";

// array to post process correct our tenses of pronouns such as "I/me"
    conj3[0]  = "me am";       conj4[0]  = "I am";
    conj3[1]  = "am me";       conj4[1]  = "am I";
    conj3[2]  = "me can";       conj4[2]  = "I can";
    conj3[3]  = "can me";       conj4[3]  = "can I";
    conj3[4]  = "me have";      conj4[4]  = "I have";
    conj3[5]  = "me will";       conj4[5]  = "I will";
    conj3[6]  = "will me";       conj4[6]  = "will I";

// Keywords

    keyword[ 0]=new key( "CAN YOU",          1,  3);
    keyword[ 1]=new key( "CAN I",            4,  5);
    keyword[ 2]=new key( "YOU ARE",          6,  9);
    keyword[ 3]=new key( "YOU'RE",           6,  9);
    keyword[ 4]=new key( "I DON'T",          10, 13);
    keyword[ 5]=new key( "I FEEL",           14, 16);
    keyword[ 6]=new key( "WHY DON'T YOU", 17, 19);
    keyword[ 7]=new key( "WHY CAN'T I",     20, 21);
    keyword[ 8]=new key( "ARE YOU",          22, 24);
    keyword[ 9]=new key( "I CAN'T",          25, 27);
    keyword[10]=new key( "I AM",             28, 31);
    keyword[11]=new key( "I'M",              28, 31);
    keyword[12]=new key( "YOU",              32, 34);
    keyword[13]=new key( "I WANT",           35, 39);
    keyword[14]=new key( "WHAT",             40, 48);
    keyword[15]=new key( "HOW",              40, 48);
    keyword[16]=new key( "WHO",              40, 48);
    keyword[17]=new key( "WHERE",            40, 48);
    keyword[18]=new key( "WHEN",             40, 48);
    keyword[19]=new key( "WHY",              40, 48);
    keyword[20]=new key( "NAME",             49, 50);
    keyword[21]=new key( "CAUSE",            51, 54);
    keyword[22]=new key( "SORRY",            55, 58);
    keyword[23]=new key( "DREAM",            59, 62);
    keyword[24]=new key( "HELLO",            63, 63);
    keyword[25]=new key( "HI",               63, 63);
    keyword[26]=new key( "MAYBE",            64, 68);
    keyword[27]=new key( "NO",               69, 73);
    keyword[28]=new key( "YOUR",             74, 75);
    keyword[29]=new key( "ALWAYS",           76, 79);
    keyword[30]=new key( "THINK",            80, 82);
    keyword[31]=new key( "ALIKE",            83, 89);
    keyword[32]=new key( "YES",              90, 92);
    keyword[33]=new key( "FRIEND",           93, 98);
    keyword[34]=new key( "COMPUTER",         99, 105);
    keyword[35]=new key( "NO KEY FOUND",     106, 112);
    keyword[36]=new key( "REPEAT INPUT",     113, 116);

    response[  0]="ELIZA - Javascript Version by George Dunlop ( )"
    response[  1]="Don't you believe that I can<*";
    response[  2]="Perhaps you would like to be able to<*";
    response[  3]="You want me to be able to<*";
    response[  4]="Perhaps you don't want to<*";
    response[  5]="Do you want to be able to<*";
    response[  6]="What makes you think I am<*";
    response[  7]="Does it please you to believe I am<*";
    response[  8]="Perhaps you would like to be<*";
    response[  9]="Do you sometimes wish you were<*";
    response[ 10]="Don't you really<*";
    response[ 11]="Why don't you<*";
    response[ 12]="Do you wish to be able to<*";
    response[ 13]="Does that trouble you?";
    response[ 14]="Tell me more about such feelings.";
    response[ 15]="Do you often feel<*";
    response[ 16]="Do you enjoy feeling<*";
    response[ 17]="Do you really believe I don't<*";
    response[ 18]="Perhaps in good time I will<@";
    response[ 19]="Do you want me to<*";
    response[ 20]="Do you think you should be able to<*";
    response[ 21]="Why can't you<*";
    response[ 22]="Why are you interested in whether or not I am<*";
    response[ 23]="Would you prefer if I were not<*";
    response[ 24]="Perhaps in your fantasies I am<*";
    response[ 25]="How do you know you can't<*";
    response[ 26]="Have you tried?";
    response[ 27]="Perhaps you can now<*";
    response[ 28]="Did you come to me because you are<*";
    response[ 29]="How long have you been<*";
    response[ 30]="Do you believe it is normal to be<*";
    response[ 31]="Do you enjoy being<*";
    response[ 32]="We were discussing you, not me.";
    response[ 33]="Oh... <*";
    response[ 34]="You're not really talking about me, are you?";
    response[ 35]="What would it mean to you if you got<*";
    response[ 36]="Why do you want<*";
    response[ 37]="Suppose you got<*";
    response[ 38]="What if you never got<*";
    response[ 39]="I sometimes also want<@";
    response[ 40]="Why do you ask?";
    response[ 41]="Does that question interest you?";
    response[ 42]="What answer would please you the most?";
    response[ 43]="What do you think?";
    response[ 44]="Are such questions on your mind often?";
    response[ 45]="What is it that you really want to know?";
    response[ 46]="Have you asked anyone else?";
    response[ 47]="Have you asked such questions before?";
    response[ 48]="What else comes to mind when you ask that?";
    response[ 49]="Names don't interest me.";
    response[ 50]="I don't care about names, please go on.";
    response[ 51]="Is that the real reason?";
    response[ 52]="Don't any other reasons come to mind?";
    response[ 53]="Does that reason explain anything else?";
    response[ 54]="What other reasons might there be?";
    response[ 55]="Please don't apologise!";
    response[ 56]="Apologies are not necessary.";
    response[ 57]="What feelings do you have when you apologise?";
    response[ 58]="Don't be so defensive!";
    response[ 59]="What does that dream suggest to you?";
    response[ 60]="Do you dream often?";
    response[ 61]="What persons appear in your dreams?";
    response[ 62]="Are you disturbed by your dreams?";
    response[ 63]="How are you today.. What would you like to discuss?";
    response[ 64]="You don't seem quite certain.";
    response[ 65]="Why the uncertain tone?";
    response[ 66]="Can't you be more positive?";
    response[ 67]="You aren't sure?";
    response[ 68]="Don't you know?";
    response[ 69]="Are you saying no just to be negative?";
    response[ 70]="You are being a bit negative.";
    response[ 71]="Why not?";
    response[ 72]="Are you sure?";
    response[ 73]="Why no?";
    response[ 74]="Why are you concerned about my<*";
    response[ 75]="What about your own<*";
    response[ 76]="Can you think of a specific example?";
    response[ 77]="When?";
    response[ 78]="What are you thinking of?";
    response[ 79]="Really, always?";
    response[ 80]="Do you really think so?";
    response[ 81]="But you are not sure you<*";
    response[ 82]="Do you doubt you<*";
    response[ 83]="In what way?";
    response[ 84]="What resemblence do you see?";
    response[ 85]="What does the similarity suggest to you?";
    response[ 86]="What other connections do you see?";
    response[ 87]="Could there really be some connection?";
    response[ 88]="How?";
    response[ 89]="You seem quite positive.";
    response[ 90]="Are you Sure?";
    response[ 91]="I see.";
    response[ 92]="I understand.";
    response[ 93]="Why do you bring up the topic of friends?";
    response[ 94]="Do your friends worry you?";
    response[ 95]="Do your friends pick on you?";
    response[ 96]="Are you sure you have any friends?";
    response[ 97]="Do you impose on your friends?";
    response[ 98]="Perhaps your love for friends worries you.";
    response[ 99]="Do computers worry you?";
    response[100]="Are you talking about me in particular?";
    response[101]="Are you frightened by machines?";
    response[102]="Why do you mention computers?";
    response[103]="What do you think machines have to do with your problems?";
    response[104]="Don't you think computers can help people?";
    response[105]="What is it about machines that worries you?";
    response[106]="Say, do you have any psychological problems?";
    response[107]="What does that suggest to you?";
    response[108]="I see.";
    response[109]="I'm not sure I understand you fully.";
    response[110]="Come, come, elucidate your thoughts.";
    response[111]="Can you elaborate on that?";
    response[112]="That is quite interesting.";
    response[113]="Why did you repeat yourself?";
    response[114]="Do you expect a different answer by repeating yourself?";
    response[115]="Come, come, elucidate your thoughts.";
    response[116]="Please don't repeat yourself!";
    loaded = true;            // set the flag as load done
//* everything below here was originally in dia_1.html      *//

// Chat Bot by George Dunlop,
// May be used/modified if credit line is retained (c) 1997 All rights reserved

// Put together an array for the dialog
    chatmax = 5;                        // number of lines / 2
    chatpoint = 0;
    chatter = new Array(chatmax);

// Wait function to allow our pieces to get here prior to starting

    function hello(){
        chatter[chatpoint] = "> Hello, I am Eliza.";
        chatpoint = 1;
        return write();
    function start(){
        for( i = 0; i < chatmax; i++){ chatter[i] = ""; }
        chatter[chatpoint] = "  Loading...";
        if( loaded ){ hello() }
        else { setTimeout("start()", 1000); }

// Fake time thinking to allow for user self reflection
// And to give the illusion that some thinking is going on
    var elizaresponse = "";
    function think(){
        document.Eliza.input.value = "";       
        if( elizaresponse != "" ){ respond(); }       
        else { setTimeout("think()", 250); }
    function dialog(){
        var Input = document.Eliza.input.value;      // capture input and copy to log
        document.Eliza.input.value = "";       
        chatter[chatpoint] = " \n* " + Input;
        elizaresponse = listen(Input);
        setTimeout("think()", 1000 + Math.random()*3000);
        chatpoint ++ ;
        if( chatpoint >= chatmax ){ chatpoint = 0; }
        return write();
    function respond(){
        chatpoint -- ;
        if( chatpoint < 0 ){ chatpoint = chatmax-1; }
        chatter[chatpoint] += "\n> " + elizaresponse;
        chatpoint ++ ;
        if( chatpoint >= chatmax ){ chatpoint = 0; }
        return write();
// Allow for unprompted response from the engine

    function update(str1,str2){
        chatter[chatpoint] = " \n> " + str1;
        chatter[chatpoint] += "\n> " + str2;
        chatpoint ++ ;
        if( chatpoint >= chatmax ){ chatpoint = 0; }
        return write();

    function write(){
        document.Eliza.log.value = "";
        for(i = 0; i < chatmax; i++){
            n = chatpoint + i;
            if( n < chatmax ){ document.Eliza.log.value += chatter[ n ]; }
            else { document.Eliza.log.value += chatter[ n - chatmax ]; }
        return false;                              // don't redraw the ELIZA's form!
    function refresh(){ setTimeout("write()", 10000); }  // Correct user overwrites

// --></SCRIPT>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/station.css">
<body onload = "start();" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>

<h1>Eliza, computer therapist</h1>

<p>ELIZA emulates a Rogerian psychotherapist.</p>

<p>ELIZA has almost no intelligence whatsoever, only
   tricks like string substitution and canned responses
   based on keywords. Yet when the original ELIZA first
   appeared in the 60's, some people actually mistook her for
   human. The illusion of intelligence works best, however,
   if you limit your conversation to talking about yourself
   and your life.</p>

<p>This javascript version of ELIZA was originally written by
   <a href="">Michal Wallace</a> and
   significantly enhanced by
   <a href="">George Dunlop</a>.

<p><b>Note:</b> Eliza is dumb! This is common knowledge. Please
   don't write to me telling me she's dumb, or how to fix it.
   If you don't like the way she works, you can change the code
   yourself. Just view source on this page to see the javascript,
   and save it to your hard drive. Then do a search for javascript
   documenation, and you should be able to make Eliza act any
   way you want. :)


<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center" class="neurotoy">
    <tr><th bgcolor=#000000 align="left">
        <font color="#FFFFFF">Talk to Eliza</Font>
      <tr><td bgcolor=#0097FF>
        <form name="Eliza" onSubmit="return dialog();">

          <textarea rows=14 cols=55 name="log"></textarea>
          <center><font color=#000000><br>Input:</font>
            <INPUT TYPE="text" size = 50 NAME="input" VALUE=""></center>

<p align="center"><br><small>

<META NAME="Description" CONTENT="Talk to Eliza!">
<TITLE>Eliza, Computer Therapist</TITLE>

<SCRIPT language="JavaScript"><!--

// Chat Bot by George Dunlop,
// Note - Eliza is a Classic Model of chat Bots.. but this implementation is mine :)
// May be used/modified if credit line is retained (c) 1997 All rights reserved

    loaded = false;                // load flag for interlocking the pages


// Keys

   maxKey = 36;
   keyNotFound = maxKey-1;
   keyword = new Array(maxKey);

    function key(key,idx,end){
       this.key = key;                           // phrase to match
        this.idx = idx;                           // first response to use
        this.end = end;                           // last response to use
        this.last = end;                                // response used last time
    maxrespnses =116;
   response = new Array(maxrespnses);

    maxConj = 19;
    max2ndConj = 7;
   var conj1 = new Array(maxConj);
   var conj2 = new Array(maxConj);
   var conj3 = new Array(max2ndConj);
   var conj4 = new Array(max2ndConj);

// Funtion to replaces all occurances of substring substr1 with substr2 within strng
// if type == 0 straight string replacement
// if type == 1 assumes padded strings and replaces whole words only
// if type == 2 non case sensitive assumes padded strings to compare whole word only
// if type == 3 non case sensitive straight string replacement

    var RPstrg = "";

    function replaceStr( strng, substr1, substr2, type){
        var pntr = -1; aString = strng;
        if( type == 0 ){ 
            if( strng.indexOf( substr1 ) >= 0 ){ pntr = strng.indexOf( substr1 );    }
        } else if( type == 1 ){
            if( strng.indexOf( " "+ substr1 +" " ) >= 0 ){ pntr = strng.indexOf( " " + substr1 + " " ) + 1; }   
        } else if( type == 2 ){
            bstrng = strng.toUpperCase();
            bsubstr1 = substr1.toUpperCase();
            if( bstrng.indexOf( " "+ bsubstr1 +" " )>= 0 ){ pntr = bstrng.indexOf( " " + bsubstr1 + " " ) + 1; }   
        } else {
            bstrng = strng.toUpperCase();
            bsubstr1 = substr1.toUpperCase();
            if( bstrng.indexOf( bsubstr1 ) >= 0 ){ pntr = bstrng.indexOf( bsubstr1 ); }   
        if( pntr >= 0 ){
            RPstrg += strng.substring( 0, pntr ) + substr2;
            aString = strng.substring(pntr + substr1.length, strng.length );
            if( aString.length > 0 ){ replaceStr( aString, substr1, substr2, type ); }
        aString =  RPstrg + aString;
        RPstrg = "";
        return aString;

// Function to pad a string.. head, tail & punctuation

    punct = new Array(".", ",", "!", "?", ":", ";", "&", '"', "@", "#", "(", ")" )

    function padString(strng){
        aString = " " + strng + " ";
        for( i=0; i < punct.length; i++ ){
            aString = replaceStr( aString, punct[i], " " + punct[i] + " ", 0 );
        return aString

// Function to strip padding

    function unpadString(strng){
        aString = strng;
        aString = replaceStr( aString, "  ", " ", 0 );         // compress spaces
        if( strng.charAt( 0 ) == " " ){ aString = aString.substring(1, aString.length ); }
        if( strng.charAt( aString.length - 1 ) == " " ){ aString = aString.substring(0, aString.length - 1 ); }
        for( i=0; i < punct.length; i++ ){
            aString = replaceStr( aString, " " + punct[i], punct[i], 0 );
        return aString

// Dress Input formatting i.e leading & trailing spaces and tail punctuation
    var ht = 0;                                                // head tail stearing
    function strTrim(strng){
        if(ht == 0){ loc = 0; }                                    // head clip
        else { loc = strng.length - 1; }                        // tail clip  ht = 1
        if( strng.charAt( loc ) == " "){
            aString = strng.substring( - ( ht - 1 ), strng.length - ht);
            aString = strTrim(aString);
        } else {
            var flg = false;
            for(i=0; i<=5; i++ ){ flg = flg || ( strng.charAt( loc ) == punct[i]); }
                aString = strng.substring( - ( ht - 1 ), strng.length - ht );
            } else { aString = strng; }
            if(aString != strng ){ strTrim(aString); }
        if( ht ==0 ){ ht = 1; strTrim(aString); }
        else { ht = 0; }       
        return aString;

// adjust pronouns and verbs & such

    function conjugate( sStrg ){               // rephrases sString
        var sString = sStrg;
        for( i = 0; i < maxConj; i++ ){            // decompose
            sString = replaceStr( sString, conj1[i], "#@&" + i, 2 );
        for( i = 0; i < maxConj; i++ ){            // recompose
            sString = replaceStr( sString, "#@&" + i, conj2[i], 2 );
        // post process the resulting string
        for( i = 0; i < max2ndConj; i++ ){            // decompose
            sString = replaceStr( sString, conj3[i], "#@&" + i, 2 );
        for( i = 0; i < max2ndConj; i++ ){            // recompose
            sString = replaceStr( sString, "#@&" + i, conj4[i], 2 );
        return sString;

// Build our response string
// get a random choice of response based on the key
// Then structure the response

    var pass = 0;
    var thisstr = "";
    function phrase( sString, keyidx ){
        idxmin = keyword[keyidx].idx;
        idrange = keyword[keyidx].end - idxmin + 1;
        choice = keyword[keyidx].idx + Math.floor( Math.random() * idrange );
        if( choice == keyword[keyidx].last && pass < 5 ){
            pass++; phrase(sString, keyidx );
        keyword[keyidx].last = choice;
        var rTemp = response[choice];
        var tempt = rTemp.charAt( rTemp.length - 1 );
        if(( tempt == "*" ) || ( tempt == "@" )){
            var sTemp = padString(sString);
            var wTemp = sTemp.toUpperCase();
            var strpstr = wTemp.indexOf( " " + keyword[keyidx].key + " " );
           strpstr += keyword[ keyidx ].key.length + 1;
            thisstr = conjugate( sTemp.substring( strpstr, sTemp.length ) );
            thisstr = strTrim( unpadString(thisstr) )
            if( tempt == "*" ){
                sTemp = replaceStr( rTemp, "<*", " " + thisstr + "?", 0 );
            } else { sTemp = replaceStr( rTemp, "<@", " " + thisstr + ".", 0 );
        } else sTemp = rTemp;
        return sTemp;
// returns array index of first key found

        var keyid = 0;

    function testkey(wString){
        if( keyid < keyNotFound
            && !( wString.indexOf( " " + keyword[keyid].key + " ") >= 0 )){
            keyid++; testkey(wString);
    function findkey(wString){
        keyid = 0;
        found = false;
        if( keyid >= keyNotFound ){ keyid = keyNotFound; }
          return keyid;         

// This is the entry point and the I/O of this code

    var wTopic = "";                                            // Last worthy responce
    var sTopic = "";                                            // Last worthy responce
    var greet = false;
    var wPrevious = "";                                    // so we can check for repeats
    var started = false;   

    function listen(User){
          sInput = User;
       if(started){ clearTimeout(Rtimer); }
        Rtimer = setTimeout("wakeup()", 180000);        // wake up call
        started = true;                                        // needed for Rtimer
       sInput = strTrim(sInput);                            // dress input formating
        if( sInput != "" ){
            wInput = padString(sInput.toUpperCase());    // Work copy
            var foundkey = maxKey;                           // assume it's a repeat input
            if (wInput != wPrevious){                       // check if user repeats himself
                foundkey = findkey(wInput);               // look for a keyword.
            if( foundkey == keyNotFound ){
                if( !greet ){ greet = true; return "Don't you ever say Hello?" }
                else {
                    wPrevious = wInput;                      // save input to check repeats
                    if(( sInput.length < 10 ) && ( wTopic != "" ) && ( wTopic != wPrevious )){
                        lTopic = conjugate( sTopic ); sTopic = ""; wTopic = "";
                        return 'OK... "' + lTopic + '". Tell me more.';
                    } else {
                        if( sInput.length < 15 ){
                            return "Tell me more...";
                        } else { return phrase( sInput, foundkey ); }
            } else {
                if( sInput.length > 12 ){ sTopic = sInput; wTopic = wInput; }
                greet = true; wPrevious = wInput;              // save input to check repeats
                return phrase( sInput, foundkey );            // Get our response
        } else { return "I can't help, if you will not chat with me!"; }
    function wakeup(){
            var strng1 = "    *** Are We going to Chat? ***";
            var strng2 = "  I can't help you without a dialog!";
// build our data base here
    conj1[0]  = "are";           conj2[0]  = "am";
    conj1[1]  = "am";           conj2[1]  = "are";
    conj1[2]  = "were";          conj2[2]  = "was";
    conj1[3]  = "was";          conj2[3]  = "were";
    conj1[4]  = "I";                conj2[4]  = "you";   
    conj1[5]  = "me";            conj2[5]  = "you";   
    conj1[6]  = "you";           conj2[6]  = "me";
    conj1[7]  = "my";            conj2[7]  = "your";   
    conj1[8]  = "your";          conj2[8]  = "my";
    conj1[9]  = "mine";          conj2[9]  = "your's";   
    conj1[10] = "your's";     conj2[10] = "mine";   
    conj1[11] = "I'm";           conj2[11] = "you're";
    conj1[12] = "you're";      conj2[12] = "I'm";   
    conj1[13] = "I've";          conj2[13] = "you've";
    conj1[14] = "you've";     conj2[14] = "I've";
    conj1[15] = "I'll";         conj2[15] = "you'll";
    conj1[16] = "you'll";     conj2[16] = "I'll";
    conj1[17] = "myself";     conj2[17] = "yourself";
    conj1[18] = "yourself";     conj2[18] = "myself";

// array to post process correct our tenses of pronouns such as "I/me"
    conj3[0]  = "me am";       conj4[0]  = "I am";
    conj3[1]  = "am me";       conj4[1]  = "am I";
    conj3[2]  = "me can";       conj4[2]  = "I can";
    conj3[3]  = "can me";       conj4[3]  = "can I";
    conj3[4]  = "me have";      conj4[4]  = "I have";
    conj3[5]  = "me will";       conj4[5]  = "I will";
    conj3[6]  = "will me";       conj4[6]  = "will I";

// Keywords

    keyword[ 0]=new key( "CAN YOU",          1,  3);
    keyword[ 1]=new key( "CAN I",            4,  5);
    keyword[ 2]=new key( "YOU ARE",          6,  9);
    keyword[ 3]=new key( "YOU'RE",           6,  9);
    keyword[ 4]=new key( "I DON'T",          10, 13);
    keyword[ 5]=new key( "I FEEL",           14, 16);
    keyword[ 6]=new key( "WHY DON'T YOU", 17, 19);
    keyword[ 7]=new key( "WHY CAN'T I",     20, 21);
    keyword[ 8]=new key( "ARE YOU",          22, 24);
    keyword[ 9]=new key( "I CAN'T",          25, 27);
    keyword[10]=new key( "I AM",             28, 31);
    keyword[11]=new key( "I'M",              28, 31);
    keyword[12]=new key( "YOU",              32, 34);
    keyword[13]=new key( "I WANT",           35, 39);
    keyword[14]=new key( "WHAT",             40, 48);
    keyword[15]=new key( "HOW",              40, 48);
    keyword[16]=new key( "WHO",              40, 48);
    keyword[17]=new key( "WHERE",            40, 48);
    keyword[18]=new key( "WHEN",             40, 48);
    keyword[19]=new key( "WHY",              40, 48);
    keyword[20]=new key( "NAME",             49, 50);
    keyword[21]=new key( "CAUSE",            51, 54);
    keyword[22]=new key( "SORRY",            55, 58);
    keyword[23]=new key( "DREAM",            59, 62);
    keyword[24]=new key( "HELLO",            63, 63);
    keyword[25]=new key( "HI",               63, 63);
    keyword[26]=new key( "MAYBE",            64, 68);
    keyword[27]=new key( "NO",               69, 73);
    keyword[28]=new key( "YOUR",             74, 75);
    keyword[29]=new key( "ALWAYS",           76, 79);
    keyword[30]=new key( "THINK",            80, 82);
    keyword[31]=new key( "ALIKE",            83, 89);
    keyword[32]=new key( "YES",              90, 92);
    keyword[33]=new key( "FRIEND",           93, 98);
    keyword[34]=new key( "COMPUTER",         99, 105);
    keyword[35]=new key( "NO KEY FOUND",     106, 112);
    keyword[36]=new key( "REPEAT INPUT",     113, 116);

    response[  0]="ELIZA - Javascript Version by George Dunlop ( )"
    response[  1]="Don't you believe that I can<*";
    response[  2]="Perhaps you would like to be able to<*";
    response[  3]="You want me to be able to<*";
    response[  4]="Perhaps you don't want to<*";
    response[  5]="Do you want to be able to<*";
    response[  6]="What makes you think I am<*";
    response[  7]="Does it please you to believe I am<*";
    response[  8]="Perhaps you would like to be<*";
    response[  9]="Do you sometimes wish you were<*";
    response[ 10]="Don't you really<*";
    response[ 11]="Why don't you<*";
    response[ 12]="Do you wish to be able to<*";
    response[ 13]="Does that trouble you?";
    response[ 14]="Tell me more about such feelings.";
    response[ 15]="Do you often feel<*";
    response[ 16]="Do you enjoy feeling<*";
    response[ 17]="Do you really believe I don't<*";
    response[ 18]="Perhaps in good time I will<@";
    response[ 19]="Do you want me to<*";
    response[ 20]="Do you think you should be able to<*";
    response[ 21]="Why can't you<*";
    response[ 22]="Why are you interested in whether or not I am<*";
    response[ 23]="Would you prefer if I were not<*";
    response[ 24]="Perhaps in your fantasies I am<*";
    response[ 25]="How do you know you can't<*";
    response[ 26]="Have you tried?";
    response[ 27]="Perhaps you can now<*";
    response[ 28]="Did you come to me because you are<*";
    response[ 29]="How long have you been<*";
    response[ 30]="Do you believe it is normal to be<*";
    response[ 31]="Do you enjoy being<*";
    response[ 32]="We were discussing you, not me.";
    response[ 33]="Oh... <*";
    response[ 34]="You're not really talking about me, are you?";
    response[ 35]="What would it mean to you if you got<*";
    response[ 36]="Why do you want<*";
    response[ 37]="Suppose you got<*";
    response[ 38]="What if you never got<*";
    response[ 39]="I sometimes also want<@";
    response[ 40]="Why do you ask?";
    response[ 41]="Does that question interest you?";
    response[ 42]="What answer would please you the most?";
    response[ 43]="What do you think?";
    response[ 44]="Are such questions on your mind often?";
    response[ 45]="What is it that you really want to know?";
    response[ 46]="Have you asked anyone else?";
    response[ 47]="Have you asked such questions before?";
    response[ 48]="What else comes to mind when you ask that?";
    response[ 49]="Names don't interest me.";
    response[ 50]="I don't care about names, please go on.";
    response[ 51]="Is that the real reason?";
    response[ 52]="Don't any other reasons come to mind?";
    response[ 53]="Does that reason explain anything else?";
    response[ 54]="What other reasons might there be?";
    response[ 55]="Please don't apologise!";
    response[ 56]="Apologies are not necessary.";
    response[ 57]="What feelings do you have when you apologise?";
    response[ 58]="Don't be so defensive!";
    response[ 59]="What does that dream suggest to you?";
    response[ 60]="Do you dream often?";
    response[ 61]="What persons appear in your dreams?";
    response[ 62]="Are you disturbed by your dreams?";
    response[ 63]="How are you today.. What would you like to discuss?";
    response[ 64]="You don't seem quite certain.";
    response[ 65]="Why the uncertain tone?";
    response[ 66]="Can't you be more positive?";
    response[ 67]="You aren't sure?";
    response[ 68]="Don't you know?";
    response[ 69]="Are you saying no just to be negative?";
    response[ 70]="You are being a bit negative.";
    response[ 71]="Why not?";
    response[ 72]="Are you sure?";
    response[ 73]="Why no?";
    response[ 74]="Why are you concerned about my<*";
    response[ 75]="What about your own<*";
    response[ 76]="Can you think of a specific example?";
    response[ 77]="When?";
    response[ 78]="What are you thinking of?";
    response[ 79]="Really, always?";
    response[ 80]="Do you really think so?";
    response[ 81]="But you are not sure you<*";
    response[ 82]="Do you doubt you<*";
    response[ 83]="In what way?";
    response[ 84]="What resemblence do you see?";
    response[ 85]="What does the similarity suggest to you?";
    response[ 86]="What other connections do you see?";
    response[ 87]="Could there really be some connection?";
    response[ 88]="How?";
    response[ 89]="You seem quite positive.";
    response[ 90]="Are you Sure?";
    response[ 91]="I see.";
    response[ 92]="I understand.";
    response[ 93]="Why do you bring up the topic of friends?";
    response[ 94]="Do your friends worry you?";
    response[ 95]="Do your friends pick on you?";
    response[ 96]="Are you sure you have any friends?";
    response[ 97]="Do you impose on your friends?";
    response[ 98]="Perhaps your love for friends worries you.";
    response[ 99]="Do computers worry you?";
    response[100]="Are you talking about me in particular?";
    response[101]="Are you frightened by machines?";
    response[102]="Why do you mention computers?";
    response[103]="What do you think machines have to do with your problems?";
    response[104]="Don't you think computers can help people?";
    response[105]="What is it about machines that worries you?";
    response[106]="Say, do you have any psychological problems?";
    response[107]="What does that suggest to you?";
    response[108]="I see.";
    response[109]="I'm not sure I understand you fully.";
    response[110]="Come, come, elucidate your thoughts.";
    response[111]="Can you elaborate on that?";
    response[112]="That is quite interesting.";
    response[113]="Why did you repeat yourself?";
    response[114]="Do you expect a different answer by repeating yourself?";
    response[115]="Come, come, elucidate your thoughts.";
    response[116]="Please don't repeat yourself!";
    loaded = true;            // set the flag as load done
//* everything below here was originally in dia_1.html      *//

// Chat Bot by George Dunlop,
// May be used/modified if credit line is retained (c) 1997 All rights reserved

// Put together an array for the dialog
    chatmax = 5;                        // number of lines / 2
    chatpoint = 0;
    chatter = new Array(chatmax);

// Wait function to allow our pieces to get here prior to starting

    function hello(){
        chatter[chatpoint] = "> Hello, I am Eliza.";
        chatpoint = 1;
        return write();
    function start(){
        for( i = 0; i < chatmax; i++){ chatter[i] = ""; }
        chatter[chatpoint] = "  Loading...";
        if( loaded ){ hello() }
        else { setTimeout("start()", 1000); }

// Fake time thinking to allow for user self reflection
// And to give the illusion that some thinking is going on
    var elizaresponse = "";
    function think(){
        document.Eliza.input.value = "";       
        if( elizaresponse != "" ){ respond(); }       
        else { setTimeout("think()", 250); }
    function dialog(){
        var Input = document.Eliza.input.value;      // capture input and copy to log
        document.Eliza.input.value = "";       
        chatter[chatpoint] = " \n* " + Input;
        elizaresponse = listen(Input);
        setTimeout("think()", 1000 + Math.random()*3000);
        chatpoint ++ ;
        if( chatpoint >= chatmax ){ chatpoint = 0; }
        return write();
    function respond(){
        chatpoint -- ;
        if( chatpoint < 0 ){ chatpoint = chatmax-1; }
        chatter[chatpoint] += "\n> " + elizaresponse;
        chatpoint ++ ;
        if( chatpoint >= chatmax ){ chatpoint = 0; }
        return write();
// Allow for unprompted response from the engine

    function update(str1,str2){
        chatter[chatpoint] = " \n> " + str1;
        chatter[chatpoint] += "\n> " + str2;
        chatpoint ++ ;
        if( chatpoint >= chatmax ){ chatpoint = 0; }
        return write();

    function write(){
        document.Eliza.log.value = "";
        for(i = 0; i < chatmax; i++){
            n = chatpoint + i;
            if( n < chatmax ){ document.Eliza.log.value += chatter[ n ]; }
            else { document.Eliza.log.value += chatter[ n - chatmax ]; }
        return false;                              // don't redraw the ELIZA's form!
    function refresh(){ setTimeout("write()", 10000); }  // Correct user overwrites

// --></SCRIPT>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/station.css">
<body onload = "start();" bgcolor=#FFFFFF>

<h1>Eliza, computer therapist</h1>

<p>ELIZA emulates a Rogerian psychotherapist.</p>

<p>ELIZA has almost no intelligence whatsoever, only
   tricks like string substitution and canned responses
   based on keywords. Yet when the original ELIZA first
   appeared in the 60's, some people actually mistook her for
   human. The illusion of intelligence works best, however,
   if you limit your conversation to talking about yourself
   and your life.</p>

<p>This javascript version of ELIZA was originally written by
   <a href="">Michal Wallace</a> and
   significantly enhanced by
   <a href="">George Dunlop</a>.

<p><b>Note:</b> Eliza is dumb! This is common knowledge. Please
   don't write to me telling me she's dumb, or how to fix it.
   If you don't like the way she works, you can change the code
   yourself. Just view source on this page to see the javascript,
   and save it to your hard drive. Then do a search for javascript
   documenation, and you should be able to make Eliza act any
   way you want. :)


<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" align="center" class="neurotoy">
    <tr><th bgcolor=#000000 align="left">
        <font color="#FFFFFF">Talk to Eliza</Font>
      <tr><td bgcolor=#0097FF>
        <form name="Eliza" onSubmit="return dialog();">

          <textarea rows=14 cols=55 name="log"></textarea>
          <center><font color=#000000><br>Input:</font>
            <INPUT TYPE="text" size = 50 NAME="input" VALUE=""></center>

<p align="center"><br><small>




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