Top 5 iPad/Kindle Fire Issues

Although the Kindle Fire and iPad are selling by the GAZILLION, all is not perfect. Fixya lists the top issues with each: Top 5 iPad/Kindle Fire Issues.

Meanwhile the Kindle Fire vs Nook Table competition has been heating up. Barnes & Noble has a $50 coupon code to bring the price of its tablet even with the Kindle Fire Barnes & Noble Nook Tablet Priced at $200 Today After $50 Coupon Code.

Regardless of which is better, the Nook versus Kindle competition has set the new price point for the Non iPad tablet: $200-$250.


  1. Amazon announced the Kindle Fire 2, though no specs yet. This will be the Kindle Fire they wanted to make but rushed and let the manufacturer spec it out so it would be out in time for the holidays. The cost point for Amazon should be less and may let them compete even more without offering a coupon.

  2. This past week (through 2/14), Walmart had the Fire for 199.00 and receive a 50.00 gift card. Pretty sweet.

  3. The low cost tablet wars are heating up. I would think the kindle fire 2 would have more storage than 8 GB. I Would hope for a micro SD Slot.


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