Oh How the Mighty Have Fallen!

RIM, maker of the Blackberry smart phone, has gone from THE smart phone to an also run since the iPhone and Android arrived. It seems to be just a matter of time until RIM is bought out by some other tech company, if for no other reason that to get at its patents. Market share for the Blackberries has been steadily dropping.

The Blackberry playbook tablet was a flop: Why not even a $199 PlayBook tablet will help RIM. How can you release a tablet with NO NATIVE MAIL client? The hardware is quite good. It just needs android 4.0 on it instead.

Now the obligatory replacement of the CEO is taking place before the ultimate bottom drops out: RIM's CEOs Step Down, Thorsten Heins Appointed as New CEO. In the end, I think it will be iPhone, Android, and the Windows 7 phones as survivors.


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