Web.com and Network Solutions, the Walmart of the internet.

Web.com bought Network Solutions last month, and also has bought Register.com. Web.com picked up Network Solutions for $405M plus some stock. I have been using an e-commerce package form Network Solution for two years. I wouldn’t have noticed the buy out as the Network Solutions site has not changed. A couple of weeks ago I noticed that Network Solutions was offering some new products such as Gorilla Online Marketing. Soon after that we received a sales call about Gorilla Online Marketing from Network Solutions. When I returned the call the phone was answered by Register.com, I was confused at first but quickly found out about the buy outs.

They seem like a good fit, they all target the same types of small to medium size businesses.

Network Solution has always had great customer support in my opinion. Their sales people are a little irritating sometimes but they beat the heck out of GoDaddy.com and Comodo.com and you can’t beat the prices.

If you can beat the prices ask them for a special deal, their slightly irritating sales people don’t like to lose sales and they always come up with a “Special” on just about anything. I got a 1/2 off the first month with a money back guarantee and no contract on their new Gorilla Online Marketing service. At that price I was willing to see what they come up with.

Now days when people ask me about setting up an e-commerce site for them, I just give them to Network Solutions website. Their sites are a little limited as far as design and function compared to a Fortune 500 company, however they look better than most webmaster built sites I’ve seen and they are easy to set up and they work well.

With the buy outs it seems that they may even have more to offer to small and medium size business websites as time goes on.


  1. So what did you think of Gorilla Online Marketing's SEO efforts?

  2. So what did you think of Gorilla Online Marketing's SEO efforts?


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