Keywords, what in the W.W.W. are we looking for?

What in the world are we looking for? Well thanks to Google it is not that hard to find out. Google Keyword Tools is a free tool that you can get a free look at what people are typing into all those search boxes.

For example type in "keyword" into keyword tools and you will find out that about 3,350,000 global monthly searches have been typed in, and the tool will also give you a hundred other searches that are related to "keyword."  It also tells me that 618,000,000 people a month search for "Google."

This is really good information to know if you are interested in "Keywords" but how does this help getting people to click on my site?

Let's say you are getting ready to launch a web-store that sells tennis shoes. That doesn't sound that hard, you put some tennis shoes on a site and wait... the next morning you check your web orders and there's nothing.

OK give it some more time and after a month... one order?

So how come no one is buying? Well let's go to the Google keyword tool and run a check on " tennis shoes" we find there is about 301,000 global monthly searches for "tennis shoes" but right under that you see that sneakers gets 7,480,000 global monthly searches. Maybe it would be wise to have sneakers on you site somewhere.

I am not getting in to where and how to get these keywords in your site, and how to get Google to index and rank your site in this post, we will get to that a little later. What I want to focus on in this post is to show how to do some homework before the site is up.

Product brainstorming!
Google Keywords is a great place to start and it's free. Find out what your future clients are looking for.
The keyword tool also gives you some other very valuable info, such as competition, that is telling how many other sites have that keyword in their site. So you can tell how much tennis shoe competition is out there. It also give you local searches, and there is a lot of other tweaking to the results that can be done.

So get out a pad and a pencil and start key-wording, before you start with your HTML.

It can also be a lot of fun just to see what in the WWW people are searching for.


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