
Showing posts from 2014

Remote to the RPi.

It is challenging to have to provide a keyboard and a mouse to multiple machines, so why not remote into them. The Raspberry pi is an exemplary system for using remotely.To set this up you will want to remotely log into the RPi to set up xrdp.  ssh pi@ pi@oerpi02 ~ $ sudo apt-get install xrdp That is all for the RPi side, so all you have to do is log in remotely. Fire up you remote desktop viewer. Enter in the appropriate settings. Type in login and password. And viola you have a remote connection, Some people have found this post also useful:

Keeping medical records.

Keeping medical records is very important. Of course, your doctor's office will keep records, but you will want to keep your own set. Was looking at this software for doctor's offices so they can keep records. It is so detailed, that you would enriched if you used this program yourself. The program is called openemr and is available from (perfect for a doctors office). The have version for several operating systems.  The version that interested me the most was the web version, so you could install it on your own private server and everyone on the network can use it. We setup what is known as a virtual site so that it co resides with other websites from the same server (just like the pros do it).  What is interesting os that you can keep a record of office visits. You can even printout records for  just one visit or print the whole month out. Of course you can add any member of the family maybe add or setup up accounts for relatives that you care ...

Let's build a tunnel.

Ever want to access your own site with a bit of privacy? Tunnelling can be a way to do that. It does require user rights on the intended machine to be the host. If yoy look at a web site, you see the normal url something.something. sitetype. In this case we are just going to oeorgan1. Bue what we would like to do is try to encrypt the connection between the two machines. One traditional way to do it is using the secure shell (SSH) , but you could probably also use a program called putty.  Here is the simplest version: ssh [-1246AaCfgkMNnqsTtVvXxY] [-b bind_address] [-c cipher_spec] [-D port] [-e escape_char] [-F configfile] [-i identity_file] [-L [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-l login_name] [-m mac_spec] [-O ctl_cmd] [-o option] [-p port] [-R [bind_address:]port:host:hostport] [-S ctl_path] [user@]hostname [command]  $ sudo ssh  -L 80:localhost:80 eddie@oeorgan1 But if we did this it would open a prompt that I do not want. if we use ...

Networking testing tools.

No matter how much wireless networking there is, you have to have at least a small amount of hardwire. There are some tools that might be nice to have if you are using more than the minimal amount of cabling (aka hardwire). The tone generator helps you trace where a wire is routed through. Personally, in all my years as a tech, I think we used only just once. When trying to see if a network wall outlet was live, I used an end tester. you would use the tester coupled to a patch cable (short length of network cable). If things are working correctly, all four lights should be lit. Though with this unit, have seen a few false positives.If all the light are not lit, it can be a bad female plug or some fault down the line. Generally has only one port. To test a single cable. Connect both ends to the tester.  You would not connect it to a network or it will get damaged. You will need access to both ends of a cable to test. Generally these tools are used when p...

Generic ipxe boot

Talked about using ipxe before, so I will not repeat all that here. Found this generic ipxe boot data file. You may need to do some adjustments. You can also cut just what you need to use. #!ipxe # To access this file via http use following redirection: # # choose cpu architecture cpuid --ext 29 && set arch amd64 || set arch i386 menu NetInstall item --gap NetInstall Ubuntu Preseed (user: ubuntu, password: t00r): item install_ubuntu_14.10 Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic item install_ubuntu_14.10_autopart Ubuntu 14.10 Utopic autopart item install_ubuntu_14.04 Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty item install_ubuntu_14.04_autopart Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty autopart item install_ubuntu_14.04_forcepae Ubuntu 14.04 LTS Trusty (32 bit) item install_ubuntu_12.04 Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS Precise item item --gap NetInstall Debian item install_debian_6_not_preseed Debian 6 Squeeze item install_debian_7_not_preseed Debian 7 ...

Quickie web server.

If you need a fast setup web server running and you do not want to have to set up apache or something similar, then Python can help. Python comes with a simple builtin HTTP server. With the aid of this little HTTP server you can turn any directory (within limitations) in your system into your web server directory. This is important especially on embedded devices where storage is nominal. The only thing you need to have installed is Python. Linux comes with Python for the most part. Practically speaking this is very useful to share files inside your local network. We like to use it for sharing documentation. Implementing this tiny but hugely useful HTTP server is very simple, its just a single line command. Note: this server is NOT SECURE. Use at your own risk. Assume that I would like to share the directory /home/pwsrvr (or ~/pwsrvr) and my IP address is Open up a terminal and type:   $ cd /home/your_dir_2_b_used $ python -m SimpleHTTPServer ...


You are kind of like a computer and you need logical instructions to solve a problem. Those instructions are the programming that is needed. So what is it about? Programming is required so that we can solve a problem.  What a lot of people think programming is about. What are the parts of the system?  They are: System parts Component People Hardware Data Instructions Procedures Software Information There is actually a lot more as you can see from the list below. I may differ from this list a bit. We want to build a program, but first we have to see what we need. What are we looking for in results. Obviously you need to be organized. You need a plan. Output: What must the results look like?  Reports:hard copy, terminal, web output, or etc  Output datafiles:   Inputs: How will we get the data into the system?  What form must the input data take: How will we process the d...

Another table

Another table. Source code example: <!DOCTYPE html> < html >< head >< style >thead {color:green;} tbody {color:blue;} tfoot {color:red;} table,th,td {border:1px solid black;} </ style > </ head > < body > < table border =" 1 " style =" width:300px "> < thead > < tr > < th >Name</ th > < th >Surname</ th > < th >Telephone</ th > </ tr > </ thead > < tbody > < tr > < td >Jack</ td > < td >Sales</ td > < td >555-5555</ td > </ tr > < tr > < td >John</ td > < td >Admin</ td > < td >555-5555</ td > </ tr > < tr > < td >James</ td > < td >Sales</ td > < td >555-5555</ td > </ tr > < tbody > < tfoot > < tr > < td >Total</ td > < td >Total</ td > < td >Total</ td ...

Raspberry Pi web server setup.

Web server software setup. There are two basic programs we want to install. Apache2 the web server and PHP a programming language for use with the server. $ sudo apt-get install apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php5 php5-cli That will take a little while to install. Be patient. Then you need to do a fix for the server. $ sudo nano /etc/apache2/conf.d/name For example set add ServerName localhost or any other name: ServerName localhost or you could use Servername yourservername Save the file and restart Apache 2 $ sudo service apache2 restart Test the server: Point a browser to the RPi You should get the setup page. Now we need to test the PHP install.. $ cd /var/www You should already see index.html with the code that shows you the home page. Now we need to create a new page $ sudo nano phpinfo.php Save and exit. Now point your browser to yourhostname/phpinfo.php You should get the PHP status page. Now you should be ready to roll. Note: ...

Goodbye line numbers.

Ever copy code into vim and realize that the line numbers were also copied. Here is a quick easy way to get rid of the line numbers. Original code: We want to remove the first 5 characters from every line so then we need to use the normal option: :%normal 5x Press return and the line numbers are gone! Some other tricks: Remove first 2 characters of every line, only if they're spaces: :%s/^ / Note that the last slash is optional, and is only here so that you can see the two spaces. Without the slash, it's only 7 characters, including the :. Move indentation to left for every line: :%normal <<