Stepper motor and the parallel port.

Various stepper motors, They are great for robots and other automation projects. The same ideas can be used with micro-controllers.Here are just a few notes. Testing stepper motor wiring: The bipolar motor (4 wire): From an old Seagate hard drive. Unipolar motor. CLS VarMode = 0 VarRot = 0 VarRev = 0 VarDelay = 0 int1 = 0 Main: CLS OUT 888, 0 DO UNTIL INKEY$ <> "" PRINT "Enter the number of revolutions" INPUT VarRev VarRev = VarRev * 50 PRINT "Enter the Mode of operation" PRINT " 1 for single coil excitation" PRINT " 2 for double coil excitation" INPUT VarMode PRINT "Enter the number of delay cycles" INPUT VarDelay PRINT "Enter the direction of rotation" PRINT "5 for CW 7 for CCW" INPUT VarRot VarMode = VarRot + VarMode IF VarMode = 6 THEN GOTO ScCW: IF VarMode = 7 ...