
Showing posts from May, 2015

Beginning c/c++ compiling.

How can I compile a simple C or C++ program on Linux operating systems using bash Terminal application? Tutorial details Difficulty: easy Root privileges No Requirements GNU C/C++ compiler Estimated completion time 10m GNU C and C++ compiler collection Development tools Development libraries IDE or text editor to write programs Part 1: Install C/C++ compiler and related tools To compile a C or C++ program on any Linux distro such as Ubuntu, Red Hat, Fedora, Debian and other Linux distro you need to install: >Fedora, Redhat, Centos, Or Scientific linux: # yum groupinstall 'Development Tools' >Debian, Ubuntu, or Mint $ sudo apt-get update $ sudo apt-get install build-essential manpages-dev To verify the install, type the following commands to display the version number and location of the compiler on Linux: $ whereis gcc $ which gcc $ gcc --version Sample outputs: $ whereis gcc gcc: /usr/bin/gcc /usr/lib/gcc /usr/bin/X11/gcc $ wherei...


2B | !2B



Wifi and the Arduino.

Good for arduino to arduino. Have some of the nrf24l0 wifi units to play with. will test them with the Arduino first. One person suggest that a 100 nf capacitor be placed between plus five and ground for more power stability. More information at: Experimental code: Note had to set up and SPI directory and copy the files over to the Arduino folder. The you had to tell the arduino  about the library ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Compatible to computer networks. What is the ESP8266? The ESP8266, is a cheap WiFi module which you can address using the UART protocol. It’s been featured on Hackaday and other DIY electronics blogs very recently, and lots of DIY electronics tinkers are very excited at the doors this module opens for their projects. The module is: Small Footprint Easy to integrate with (usi...

One ipaddress into many.

Ever go somewhere and you need to have several systems be able to access their network, but they say all you can have is one Ipaddress. An Ipaddress is like a phone number for a computer.  You can only have one per system under normal circumstances. Here with an extra system, we will show you how to do this. A multitude of reasons exist as to why one would want to build a custom router vs. suffer with the performance, reliability issues, and limitations of an off-the-shelf solution. In the spirit of keeping this post short, I won’t launch into a long diatribe on the pros and cons of each here, but I have plenty of thoughts on this, so if you are interested, just ask. What we are about to do is configure an incredibly fast and stable router/gateway solution for your home/office in about 15 minutes. (Note: This post assumes you already have your machine loaded up with a fresh copy of Ubuntu 14.04 or an equivalent and you have the two needed NICs installed.) T his is not a f...





We love windows.

But we use linux on our computers.

Caveat emptor.

You can go to the dollar store and get materials to make the antennas for a few bucks.

A scary input device.


Cnc routing.

CNC is a big thing. You might think of it as the 2d version of a 3d machine. With a 2d machine you remove material and with a 3d machine you add material to get an object. Always have wanted to build one myself. Have the stepper motors, just have to make the rack. Numerical control (NC) is the automation of machine tools that are operated by precisely programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, as opposed to controlled manually via hand wheels or levers, or mechanically automated via cams alone. Most NC today is computer (or computerized) numerical control (CNC) in which computers play an integral part of the control . Nowadays you can get a computer and almost do all of it yourself.  First you have to have a drawing prepared. There are lots of existing artwork you can use or you can create your own .svg files with Inkscape. Scalable Vector Graphics ( SVG ) is an XML-based vector image format for two-dimensional graphics with support for interactivity and animat...

The data center?


Not from the inferno.




oldie, but goodie.

Early dual cpu (aka dual core) system that was set up as a router. A collectors item.

eyeOS is forking into Oneos.

Just a bit of news again. According to the Linux Link Tech Show aka #tllts eyeOS  a gui desktop web based application  that can run from a gui-less server has been forked to Oneos.  Actually I have seen several similar sort of micro googledocs projects on Sourceforge.

Get your google data from the google cloud.

Get your google data such as pictures. email and etc. Just go to and then you can choose what to get. an archive will be created for you to download when the archive is finished, or you can wait and use the email they send you when the archive is done to go back and download the data.

Replacement script.

Look at astrology as an intellectual cartoon and an insight into human thinking. So I will peek at it once in a while. Also gave a chance to play with page scraping again. $ ./ Virgo Daily Horoscope for Tuesday 19th May 2015 Share : Through friends of someone close, you could learn more about their background. This extra information, particularly if it's related to how they acquired their qualifications, and the friendships they made en route, may not be something you wish to discuss with others, but might go some way towards explaining why they are pulled towards certain geographical locations. This might even impact on decisions being taken now for travel in a couple of months time. VIRGO --------------------------------------------- Wrote a script to pull the daily horoscope for a particular sign. The site we are getting the data from has changed. So that led me to go to another site for the time being. Actually it seems a blessing in dis...

Patent absurdity.


You want what, when?


Lost control


Play scrabble with grep!

Doing a crossword and no one around to ask about a word, then this instructable is for you. Have not played scrabble since I was a kid. Also like to do crossword puzzles. If everyone uses the same tools, then it really is playing fair.There is an easy way to make the game more interesting and you increase your vocabulary as well as your typing skills at the same time. Recommended that you have at least some time at the linux command line. These tricks can also be done on the Mac and BSD with minor modifications. Note: a quick grep trick for finding a file wth certain text is:  locate filename | grep search text $ locate.pdf | grep arduino Step 1: Whats required? Hardware: Linux based computer where you can access the command line. Software: A word file which should be already available in linux. Access to the "grep" command. Knowledge: Assuming you know how to do a crossword puzzle and or know how to play scrabble. You know how to use th...



You just get lucky sometimes.
