
Showing posts from October, 2014

Network printer install

Setting a network printer is easy as setting up most any other printer. You need to know about the printer location make and model. You will also need some administrative rights to install the printer. In this case, we will be using the Cups web based utility to accomplish adding the printer. First, if you do not already have access, you need access. $ sudo adduser $USER lpadmin Adding user `eddie' to group `lpadmin' ... Adding user eddie to group lpadmin Done. Note: for more command line goodies, see Note if you do not get the cups page in the browseryou will need to install it. $ sudo apt-get install cups Whew, that is all the command line you need to do. Now you need to open your web browser to "localhost:631". Localhost is just a generic name so you do not have to use your real ipaddress.  When you first go to Cups, you will be asked some rudimentary  questions about your setup. Then you need t...

Geek food.

Home made pizza or should I say the short life of pizza. Before: During: After:

Whole chicken pays for itself.

Last chicken we bought was only 4 dollars.  Generated about a gallon of polenta with only a few cups of corn meal. Polenta sells for about 4 dollars a tube. A tube is only a few cups of cooked cornmeal.

Military food slang.

army strawberries - prunes battery acid - coffee bokoo soused - very drunk bug juice - Kool-Aid and other powder based drinks bullets - beans buzzard - chicken or turkey cackleberry - egg canned cow - canned condensed milk canteen - a liquor store on base chow - food, a meal chow down - to eat chowhound - first in line at the mess "come and get it" - the time honored call of the mess sergeant desecrated vegetables - dried or dessicated vegetables fly light - to miss a meal gut-packings - food, rations hardtack - a baked mix of flour and water, soaked in water overnight, and fried in grease for breakfast hooch - hard liquor java - coffee joe - coffee kitchen police, K.P. - those assigned menial clean-up duties lurp - Long Range Patrol Ration meal refusing to exit, meal rejected by Ethiopia - meal ready to eat M.R.E. moo juice - milk mud - coffee mystery meat - meat that lacks clear identity rabbit food - greens, especially l...

Danger: Ipad.

Will the Ipad put you at risk to be robbed or murdered?


Toast some bread. Add some left over chicken, And potato like gravy. and some green beans. Topped with a bit of parmesan cheese and you are in heaven for a poor man's meal.

Installing Arch.

Installing Arch Linux 1. Get Arch Linux. 2. Download Arch installation media. The primary forms are image files for CD or USB Key available on the Arch Linux website. Go to the Arch Linux website and select a version. If you are unsure which form to download, select the Core ISO appropriate to your processor architecture (e.g. i686 or x86) 3. Burn the image to CD using your preferred CD recording software or, in Windows XP, by right clicking on the .iso file and selecting “Copy Image to CD”. Alternately, if you downloaded the USB Key version, use the Bash command: dd if=path-to-iso of=/dev/sdX. [1] Alternatively you may use other software to image the USB drive. 4. Insert the prepared device into the computer you are installing Arch on and restart the computer. The computer should start up into a menu system similar to the one shown below. 5. Select “Boot Arch Live” and wait for the system to auto-detect your devices and start up. When it is finished, you will ...

Escaping from a mistake?


Dark detector

Simple dark detector circuit. A quick and easy night light circuit. The enhancements could be added.

PC Robot starter OS

Robot os. The infinite loop. While true%     ' set or reset values     ' input sensor values     ' Other jobs     ' Do what is needed based on input values. wend Part I. Set or reset values. Part II Get sensor values. Using basic, the command to read from ports in qbasic is INP. The address you need to read from is the address of the parallel port (usually 378h) + 1; so the usual address is 379h. As i mentioned before, the pins used for input are 10-13 and 15. Reading the different pins is little harder than writing to the ports, as you have to mask out the pins your not interested in. When you read the port, the first 3 bits returned are not used. For example, the qbasic code below would read pin 12 (out of paper). When this port is high, "Out of paper / pin 12 toggled" will be displayed:   data = inp(&h379) IF (data and 32) = 32 then print "Out of paper / pin 12 high" The table be...

Piadini = Quesedilla

Mexican quesedillas filled with mashed pinto beans and cheddar cheese. Italian piadini filled with mashed lentils.and mozzarella cheese (or cheddar cheese).


Most people say you do not need to soak legumes before cooking. Unless, we are in a hurry then we usually do not. Personally the yield seems to be larger when you do pre-soak legumes such as lentils.  We like to immerse lentils in warm water from the tap with a little bit of baking soda. Cooking time is reduced, therefore you save on energy. Be also sure to drain the lentils and use fresh water for boiling. By the say, do not leave theme there too long or they will start to ferment. That is another story.

Pass this post.


Antenna redo.

Made an antenna guessing at the specs. Also did it do see how critical the angle of the dipoles were. Antenna pattern: Original version: The antenna did not work that well. So I went back and looked at the original picture and noticed the angle was quite different. Oops, the original angle used was a bit wide. Hmm. S/B: Now, the new version with the corrected angle. Now to test it. Tested average.... Other antennas to look at: A bit about antennas: