
Showing posts from January, 2014

Sshkey install update.

Wrote a script a while back to put your ssh key on a remote system so you do not have to type in the password all the time. Found a few shortcomings with it and now have updated it. You will have to type in your password to login and complete the script process. # invoke with ./ servername # set up the .ssh dir if it does not exist DIRECTORY=",ssh" ssh $1 'if [ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ];  then  mkdir $DIRECTORY ;chmod 700 $DIRECTORY ; fi' # copy the key scp $DIRECTORY/ $1:~/. # install the key ssh $1 'cat >> $DIRECTORY/authorized_keys' ssh $1 'chmod 600 $DIRECTORY/authorized_keys ' # remove the public key you just copied ssh $1 'rm ~/'

Remote Arch linux install prep.

Installed arch linux on an i686 (aka pentium II). Installed linux many a time, but this is a new experience using arch as an os on a desktop. One thing that was different was to use the secure shell to remotely connect to the install machine. That way I could cut and paste commands as needed and save a lot of typing. There were some issues, that really were not issues. Had to use a search engine to rectify things I did not understand. Allegedly the live cd makes it easy to install. I had to do it the old fashion way. Having linux experience already made things easier. If I had been a novice, it would not have been installed.  Will probably take the several instruction sheets I used to make my own install procedure.  Kde seemed to work ok and the command line was very zippy. I am assuming you know how to download and burn the arch linux cd. Index of /archl...

Silver bullet media casting.

Actually what I am talking about is the Google Chromecast. Chromecast allows you to throw the video or other media from the Nexus 7 to an hdmi enabled device such as a newer tv or monitor. So now you can attach a larger monitor to your nexus 7 via wifi and the Chromecast. Setup is fairly easy and you should be able to do it all via the Nexus 7 using the Chrome browser with internet access. You will also need the Chromecast app from the Playstore to be installed.  I now carry the Chromecast and a specially setup router with me. Make sure that is the router is only set up to take the mac addresses or special identification of the devices to connect to the router. Also use wpa2 or better wifi encryption. Not completely secure but not half bad. Personally wish I had had it when I was teaching. For home media, I would probably prefer to use the Raspxbmc or the like.