The E02 Pogoplug and Archlinux.

Became tired of the Pogoplug cloud, so I decided that I could make more use of it as a local server. There a few lines to type in which frustrates a lot of people. I decided to take a shortcut and use the web and the command line together to make things easier. You will go to the page where the commands are. Copy a command at a time and then paste it in the terminal that is connected to the pogoplug. Once you finish the install, you may want to add other software to make the unit more usable. here is a basic install I sort of used. Warning: do this at your own risk, There are several models of the pogoplug. this only works on one version only of the unit. Will not be responcible for any or all issues. Arch Linux ARM Pogoplug v2 (Pink/Gray) Overview and Installation The Pogoplug v2 is the second device from CloudEngines to feature Pogoplug so...