Recipe for new years good luck.
From Compared to other types of dried beans, lentils are relatively quick and easy to prepare. They readily absorb a variety of wonderful flavors from other foods and seasonings, are high in nutritional value and are available throughout the year. Lentils are legumes along with other types of beans. They grow in pods that contain either one or two lentil seeds that are round, oval or heart-shaped disks and are oftentimes smaller than the tip of a pencil eraser. They may be sold whole or split into halves with the brown and green varieties being the best at retaining their shape after cooking. Nutrients in Lentils 1.00 cup cooked (198.00 grams) Nutrient %Daily Value molybdenum 198% folate 89.5% fiber 62.5% tryptophan 50% manganese 49% iron 36.6% protein 35.7% phosphorus 35.6% copper 25% vitamin B1 22% p...